Home : First Time Stories : total 19 reviews.

The Game ... First Time Sex: Part 8 - Better Than Royalty reviews

Posted by tanker
I checked site everyday and love the new story. I like listening to songs you write about because I never listen to the words before. PLEASE Keep writing because I love these stories
Posted by Galaxy
Hi again Tanker! Thanks for the review and thanks for reading. As I said before, as long as someone is reading about my life, I will keep writing. You made my day!
Posted by David
it was good story Galaxy i like those's storys keep writeng them
Posted by Ga
Hey hey David !! Thanks for the feedback. It's great hearing from you once again. I'm writing part 9 now.
Posted by Galaxy
David, That's me. I must not have finished typing and it shows as "Ga." Thanks again for reading.
Posted by M
Hey. I don't know if you remember me but i commented on part 4. These stories have helped me get my girlfriend horny. I also find your sex life to be very interesting and exciting. I hope you continue to write more. Are you almost complete with part 9?
Posted by M
Whoops sorry. It duplicated.
Posted by Anonymous
I love these true stories! Keep making more and more and more!!! God they turn me on. I wish me and my boyfriend Could be part of your 4some. It's really great you guys love each other the way you do.
Posted by Nelda
I think you hit a bullsyee there fellas!
Posted by Jolyn
It's spooky how cevler some ppl are. Thanks!
Posted by Galaxy
Hello Jolyn, thanks for leaving your feedback. I'm not sure what "clever" idea or incident that you refer to, so feel free to be more specific. I appreciate your leaving a message.
Posted by Galaxy
Update: There are now 20 chapters to this story and more are coming.
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