A Fucking Good Dream

(Part 1 from 1)

Slowly i fell asleep...

I walked trough the door into a big bright room. I knew I was dreaming. A young woman stood in front of me.
"Hi, Im Lizzie." I said
"Lizzie;19 years old?"
"Yes." I nodded
"Come with me Lizzie."

I followed the woman into a small room. She gave me a booklet and a piece of paper. Then she shoved me out of a door.

"Hello Lizzie" said a good looking man. In fact he was very good looking and I remember my eyes wandering to his jeans. He came towards me and I remember screaming before everything went black.

When I awoke in my dream I was standing topless in a operating theatre. I raised my eyebrows as the man came towards me. He was naked!

"My name is Dr.Cock and I am supposedly taking you on a tour of the sex hospital."He whispered"Lizzie take of your clothes and lay on the table!"

I did what he said and lay down. He came towards me. I suddenly realised that he had a huge cock! He held it in his hand and started to rub it. I spread my legs out wide. He brought his cock close to me and inserted it straight into my vagina. I gasped as it plunged deep inside me. Not being a virgin, it didnt really hurt but instead it felt lushious. Slowly he began to thrust back and forth until I was quivering with orgasm. It felt so good. As he pulled away he said:
"See you again soon Lizzie!"

At that point in my dream I woke up but I will never forget Dr.Cock and his beautiful cock!

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