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The Crossing - Recompense reviews

Posted by Galaxy
Geez with the disclaimer, I was afraid to continue. After a few drinks, I may try again. Do you really have to be 18 to read words?
Posted by Galaxy
OK, I relaxed and took my time and read your excellent words. You have lots of descriptions to elevate my fantasies. I would like to see some of the paragraphs split up in order to be able to read it faster, but that is no criticism. Great job. Made me hot.
Posted by Gerry Burchett
a very hot story....Ive been Bi curious....now I could be bi active!!!
Posted by milton
this was a really great story and i like that theres a mistery at the end when will the next one come out?
Posted by Leatrice
vasbI9 Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!
Posted by Vish
Its wonderful. It literatur mak me cum in my bed
Posted by lilispanla
wow, i had that expirience before he only wanted to check i was in!!!
Posted by Nelly
A minute saved is a minute eanerd, and this saved hours!
Posted by Christiana
Boom shaaklkaa boom boom, problem solved.
Posted by Magdelina
I'm quite pleased with the ifnoramiton in this one. TY!
Posted by Kourtney
This could not possibly have been more hlpeful!
Posted by Zavrina
Super informative wriitng; keep it up.
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