Teleported Inter-Planetary Cheerleaders Suck
The creatures then used long sticks they were carrying to tap the surface, and suddenly a ramp appeared, out of nowhere. Ms. Sexton quickly did a count to see if all her girls were there. They were. Carol too. Thank God, at least, for that! And then they were herded up the ramp, and she followed obediently.
As they walked, they all looked around. Eventually, they noticed that they were walking along a ridge, with big bowl-like pits, much larger than the first one, on either side of them. The first few were small empty, like the one they’d just left. But then they saw a huge one that wasn’t. And what they saw in it struck total fear among them. This huge pit, the size of a football field or more, was filled with creatures like the ones currently shepherding them... but the creatures were not alone. For the girls were not alone. Apparently, their bus had not been the first to be abducted by what only could be called aliens... for they certainly, in that green flash of light, had been teleported to some faraway planet. No.
Amongst those thousands of aliens were dozens and dozens of girls, much like them, many in school uniforms or dressed as cheerleaders. And they were all on their knees. And it was clear, from the girls closest to them, that these alien creatures were fucking these girls’ mouths, each girl having an endless line-up of creatures waiting for her.
Ms. Sexton and her girls had to escape... but how?
Before anything came of this, however, they were led down a ramp into a smaller pit where there were only a few of the green aliens, apparently guards by their stances. And among them was a creature so hideous it made all the others look like clowns. There was no face. There was no body. Rather, it seemed to be nothing more than a huge mass of black tentacles all swirling around. Poor Margaret was the first to be grabbed by it. She struggled to get away, but it was no use. With tentacles around both her wrists and another around her waist, she was pulled forward and then down onto her knees.
And then another huge tentacle came towards her. At first it just probed her, feeling here and there. But then it aimed straight towards her face. The girl screamed, and before she could close her mouth, it was inside her. A couple of the other girls tried to rush forward to pull her away, but other huge tentacles swept up to fend them off. There was nothing they could do for their friend. As they watched helplessly, that one tentacle plunged further and further and further into Margaret’s mouth, stretching it wider than they’d ever thought possible. It was like a huge black serpent slithering into a hole.
“It’s going right through her,” one girl said, in panic.
She had no idea how right she was. For, in a few minutes, they saw that same tentacle emerge from under Margaret’s plaid skirt, and they realized, in horror, that it was coming out her ass. Margaret continued to struggle, but it was futile. The tentacle felt around for a bit, and then disappeared... and the girls noticed that it was being withdrawn. Margaret gasped when finally the tentacle was pulled from her mouth. And then she gagged and the girls watched in horror as she started spitting up her own shit.
The girl had only just recovered when the other tentacles released her, immediately replaced by the strong hands of two guards, who led her to stand by herself, by the boss monster’s left side.
A pretty blonde named Kelli was hauled forward next, and she suffered the same fate. Except that she was wearing pants. So, though the girls noticed poking-like movements in the seat of Kelli’s pants, presumably of the tentacle trying to push through, it did not succeed. After the tentacle withdrew, Kelli was led to stand on the monster’s right side. And so it went, the girls being sorted, left and right, depending upon whether they were wearing pants or shorts that blocked the tentacle’s passage, or a skirt and panties, which apparently posed no difficulties for it. What did this mean?
Ms. Sexton was not a teacher for nothing, though. While guards were leading one girl (named Emily) to the pants group, she herself slipped unseen to join Margaret, and waved for Rachel and Laura, who were watching her, to join her. They did. Phew. At least she and a couple of the girls escaped THAT indignity.
It was as the two groups were being herded out in different directions that Ms. Sexton, still in the skirt group, figured out that they must have different purposes for the two groups of girls.
Most of the girls, luckily, had been wearing pants or shorts and hadn’t had to endure the indignity of having this huge tentacle protruding out of their asshole and then groping their backside, for all the other girls to see. Of course, Carol was wearing jean shorts, and Meredith the jeans she’d planned to ride horses with. Stephanie was wearing camel-coloured pants, as were Stacey, Kelli, Emily, Ann, and Jennifer. And Kristin and Beth were wearing camel-coloured school shorts that were shorter and sexier than school shorts usually were, but still (barely) within regulations. That left Ms. Sexton in her black skirt; Margaret, Tara and Beverly in plaid skirts; and Rachel and Laura in their blue and yellow cheerleader uniforms. It was about then that Ms. Sexton realized that she still had her bag. Maybe she could use it to help the girls escape.
Chance presented itself unexpectedly, when Rachel and Laura suddenly darted to their right, into a hole that the others, in their trancelike misery, had not noticed. Ms. Sexton followed them.
For a moment they hid, but the creatures leading them took no notice.
The teacher looked at the two girls and said: “Nicely done. But what do we do now?”
“We get as far away from here as we can,” Rachel said.
“You do realize, Rachel, that we’re on some other planet,” Ms. Sexton said. “It’s not like we can call your grandfather and he’ll come pick us up or send the cavalry.”
“Duh,” Rachel said. “But at least we might not have to go on sucking Martian cocks forever.”
The teacher nodded. The girl had a point. Maybe, if they could find water and food, they could at least eke out existence on their own until she figured something out.
“But we can’t leave the others,” Laura said. And the teacher agreed with her.
“To Hell we can’t!” Rachel said. “Like how could we possibly even get to them anyway? This is our one chance to get away. I am NOT sucking Martian cocks!”
Ms. Sexton reluctantly agreed. But where did this hole lead to, if anywhere? There was only one way to find out.
Stephanie was terrified. As she and the other girls in her line were being led down a long ramp into a pit, she couldn’t help but notice how huge the pit was, and how it was filled with literally thousands of these green aliens. But they were not there randomly. No. They were assembled in hundreds of long queues, all lined up awaiting their turns. And at the front of each cue one alien was having his cock sucked by a girl just like Stephanie... many in school uniforms, but not all. Some were dressed in fast-food restaurant uniforms... it looked like all the major big chains were represented. Other girls were dressed more casually. Most wore pants, jeans or shorts, the school girls mostly in their regulation uniform light brown, chocolate brown or navy blue pants. But some of the girls also wore skirts, and there were dozens of cheerleaders in uniforms of all colours. Maybe the girls from their school who’d ended up in the other line would end up down here too... but why had they been separated before? Did only some of the girls in skirts end up down here and others elsewhere? It made no sense.
Besides schoolgirls and other teens, there were some older women too. But, by older, I mean most were in their twenties or thirties... and all were gorgeous. If nothing else, these aliens had good taste. Some of these women were dressed as nurses... others looked more like secretaries, stewardesses or businesswomen... and, of course, teachers. The nurses mostly wore white pants, and most of the secretaries, teachers, and business women wore black or navy pleated dress pants, or skirts. And every one of these teens and women was on her knees, her head bopping back and forth, dutifully servicing these monsters.
But, as Stephanie was marched past them, some of these working girls glanced towards her. And the expressions on their faces were NOT forlorn. They did not seem disgusted or terrified or angry. A few even waved pleasantly or gave Stephanie and her colleagues a thumbs-up sign.
This REALLY made no sense.
One by one, the girls in line ahead of Stephanie were pulled out of it and forced to their knees between two already working girls... anywhere there was a space. And immediately, green aliens broke off of other lines to line up for the new girl, her mouth quickly violated by its first alien cock.
Finally, Stephanie was at the head of the line, and she was shaking with fear. When a gap in the huge circle of girls (for the girls actually encircled the pit... hundreds of them, with line-ups of at least 50 aliens each radiating out like the spokes of a bicycle wheel) finally appeared in front of her, she considered trying to run away. But where could she go, even if she did manage to get out of the pit?
Dutifully, she let the hand on her shoulder guide her down into position and
then watched her line-up form, so quickly it continued to amaze her.
The aliens were all about 7 feet tall, so Stephanie had to be pushed fully upright to reach the groin in front of her. At first, looking into it, all she saw was a short nub of a penis... maybe a couple of inches long. She’d sucked penises longer and bigger than that before. Her elder brother’s cock was at least 8 inches long, and her Dad’s was as thick as a post. Even Grandpa’s was bigger than this one.
But then the nub in front of her started to grow... and within seconds it was an 18-inch long, dark green snake, hard and muscular and even thicker than her Dad’s. How was she EVER going to get this thing into her mouth? And then she quickly glanced at the girls on either side of her... one a blonde in a red and white cheerleader uniform, and the other a pretty Asian girl in tight white jeans... and both of them were taking the entire thing down their throat. There was NO WAY she’d be able to do...
But before the thought finished in her mind, the alien’s two lower hands (remember... they all had four) were on her head, his rod was all the way down her throat, he was pumping his hips and wildly shoving the final 5 or 6 inches of his rod into and out of her mouth, and her nose was being repeatedly bumped into his rigid green belly. As her eyes watered up and she futilely tried to push away, she glanced over toward the blonde again, who again was giving her a thumbs-up sign.
Meredith couldn’t believe it. She’d been one block from exiting the bus and being with her mother. What would her mother be thinking now, perhaps even seeing the bus and then having it disappear or arrive empty? Then Meredith thought about it and remembered that she’d read about a bus of schoolgirls in St. Louis being found empty a week after it disappeared mostly submerged in a river, and the occupants never being found and presumed drowned. Was that what happened? Some mock accident was enacted to make it so no one ever might suspect an alien abduction?
Right now, she should be riding on the back of a horse, named Lucky, that her dad had given her on her 18th birthday, because she’d always wanted one. Here she was being led down into a pit to suck alien cocks.
But then she looked up. The pit had aliens, but not the same ones as the ones she’d seen before. These look more like... well... like horses. Certainly their hind half looked like a horse... the same haunches and swishy tail. But the front legs were more like ape-like arms, with actual hands on the ends. And the heads and faces were shaped more like, well... a cat’s. There were not thousands, but certainly several hundred of these animals in this pit... and several dozen girls, the others all already on their knees under these beasts and sucking them. Most of these girls wore nice jeans, Meredith noted, and wondered if these aliens maybe had watched cowboy shows on TV.
Finally, she and Carol were led to their own animals and forced to their knees. Meredith heaved a sigh of relief. From where she was kneeling now, this really seemed no different than when she rewarded Lucky after a fun ride. That was it... she’d convince herself that this strange alien was just her very own horse. Of course, she’d have to keep doing that, since it was obvious from the crowd already forming for her that she’d be blowing no fewer than 50 of these things. But she could certainly blow 50 horses if she had to.
And with that, she leaned forward with her mouth open to begin the work at hand.
Margaret had always been the straight and narrow one. She NEVER broke rules. She ALWAYS got top marks. In fact, it irritated her when other girls broke rules and didn’t try, and she expressed this often. THAT’S why she wasn’t always the most popular girl at school. But she didn’t care. She was going to one day get into a top college somewhere and become a world-class scientist or insanely successful businesswoman. She’d had it all planned out.
What she hadn’t planned on was being abducted to a faraway planet by strange aliens who intended to use her as a sex tool. Or, for that matter, on being led, along with Tara and Beverly, into a separate pit from most of the others from her school, where there were girls on all fours being simultaneously fucked by aliens that seemed somewhat higher ranking than the others, in that they all were barking orders to those leading the girls down to them. Not only were they being fucked, by the way, but being fucked in both their mouths AND their assholes... at the SAME TIME. Before Margaret could complain about how unconstitutional all this was, she was thrust down onto all fours and had one cock shoved down her throat and another rammed up her ass.
“Hmmmmm?” she whimpered forlornly, seeing long line-ups already forming for both ends of her and feeling both cocks rammed repeatedly back and forth within their respective holes. The cock in her mouth was so far down her throat, she felt it sliding to and fro all the way down past her neck. And the cock up her ass... well... she felt it moving deep within her belly. The only thing good was that these dicks were naturally slippery, so even the rod up her ass didn’t hurt nearly as much as she’d thought it would.
The big irony is that even her friends had always called her ‘tight-assed’. Well... not anymore!!!
Ms. Sexton had followed Rachel and Laura reluctantly, really feeling guilty about leaving the rest of her charges behind. Laura too, she sensed, wasn’t comfortable with abandoning them. But self-confident and sometimes narcissistic Rachel had taken charge. And Ms. Sexton and Laura just followed, driven more by fear and helplessness than any sense of responsibility. They came to a small pit of some kind, which seemed empty except for a big rock in the corner, and paused.
But was that a rock? The teacher eyed it carefully. There was something odd about it. She warily crawled forward for a closer look.
Then, again overwhelmed before she could do anything to defend herself, she saw several huge tentacles darting out at her. As soon as one had a grip on her arm, she knew it was too late. Laura turned around to try to help her, but Rachel was off immediately, diving into another tunnel in front of them. After a second, seeing more tentacles encircling her teacher’s waist and legs and another wavering menacingly at herself, Laura ran away too, with one last apologetic glance towards her teacher.
Ms. Sexton had dreaded this guy most of all when she’d seen him. What she’d seen him do to the other girls, ESPECIALLY those wearing skirts like her, had been unimaginable. Surely he wouldn’t do that now.
But before she knew it, that same thick black tentacle she’d watched ‘do’ the others was forced into her mouth and down her throat. She tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. She had tentacles holding tightly onto both her arms and around her waist. By the time the other tentacles had released her waist, arms and legs, seemingly a lifetime later, the one that had started down her throat had now gone all the way through and emerged from her ass; and then it had wrapped itself several times around her waist. Talk about being a pig on a spit. There was NOTHING she could do now but kneel there helplessly.
And then the beast just seemed to fall asleep, leaving the lovely teacher, her mouth and throat stretched as far as humanly possible to accommodate the tentacle’s huge girth, totally ensnared.
She couldn’t even scream.
Meanwhile, there was nothing for Stephanie to do but rest her hands against the green alien’s legs and brace herself... he did all the rest and there was nothing she COULD do about it. Back and forth the alien pumped his hips, as rhythmically as clockwork, driving the final 5 or 6 inches of his enormous, 18-plus inch cock to and fro deep inside her throat, his muscular green belly bumping her nose with each forward thrust. Worse yet, the rhythm was slow, not the rabid pumping that might bring him to climax quickly. Each pump of his shaft in and out took about one second in, and one second out.
“One thousand, two thousand... one thousand, two thousand... one thousand, two thousand...”
It meant that it might take forever for this guy to shoot his load (in fact, as Stephanie would learn, most climaxes would take anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour, had she a watch to time them). This not only meant that it would be up to thirty minutes or more before her mouth and throat knew any relief, but that, even if ALL she had to suck today was the fifty or so aliens currently waiting in line for her, that alone was as much as 25 hours (how long were days here? She had no idea). And she could see that swarms of new aliens were wandering down the sides of the bowl-shaped pit, using their sucker feet, all the time. This could go on forever.
And the cocks never really got hard. They remained firm and snakelike, but pliable to slide easily down the girls’ throats. In this way, it was near impossible for girls to tell (at least for someone as inexperienced at this as Stephanie was... blowing aliens, that is) when they were close to shooting. Grandpa was somewhat like this. Sometimes he never really got hard, but would shoot cum into Stephanie’s mouth anyway. Sometimes, he just pissed. Like the great granddaughter she was, Stephanie would just swallow it and pretend he’d dumped a tasty load into her mouth.
“Thanks Grandpa,” she’d smile up at him.
He was never entirely sure if he’d cum or pissed, but took his lovely granddaughter’s word for it. Stephanie’s Mom would know though, watching how MUCH her daughter had had to swallow, which could ONLY be piss, and would smile real big and proud at Stephanie.
“Let me take a few more nice pictures of you with Stephanie, Grandpa,” she say, immediately aiming her digital. “Say ‘cheese’, Sweetie,” she’d say.
“Hmmmmmmm,” the teen would say, her mouth still filled with her grandfather’s shrunken cock drowning in urine as Mom captured 10-12 more flattering shots of her.
But that was just Grandpa. Mark and Dad gave off plenty of notice that they were getting close. Dad would arch his back and grab Stephanie’s head firmly and start to aggressively fuck her throat, which Mom thought was very funny. The photo album on the living room coffee table, AND the family Face Book page, AND the family website ALL had dozens of pictures of Stephanie with Dad in his crazy ‘throat-fuck pose’, as Mom called it. She thought it was very ‘cute’.
“Look this way, Sweetie,” Mom ALWAYS told Stephanie, while Dad was doing this, because she wanted at least ONE person looking towards the camera, and Dad was usually far too preoccupied.
And, of course, when they had visitors (which was at least once or twice a week given all Mom’s volunteer work at their church), Mom insisted that everyone get to watch Dad and Stephanie at least once, and usually quite early in the visit so they could all have a running joke to laugh about for the rest of the afternoon or evening. Dad didn’t mind being laughed about like this, as it was all in fun. And it was a great way for people who didn’t already know her to get to know what a sweet girl Stephanie was. Mom would invariably volunteer her daughter’s mouth out to any and all male guests as well, which was always well received. The ladies at the church all laughed that this was a major reason all the church committees had so many men on them.
After getting stranded in a snow storm 18 years old brother and sister have some fun in the bathroom while mom sleeps... |
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