Home : Lesbian Stories : total 13 reviews.

Lesbian Love reviews

Posted by Kelvin
God will purnish you people.....ya'll gonna rot in hell
Posted by claudia
Another story that turns me on... I want my juicy pussy to be sucked and licked.. I want to cum in a mouth...
Posted by shahul
Posted by shay
wish i waz her...sooo horny
Posted by Davids
I like what u guys are doing keep it up
Posted by Arie
Sounds like ur ghei to me!Look, sure, maybe this is something ur gonna grow out of, but hlosetny, who cares about who ur gonna b attracted to when ur 30, if ur attracted to girls now then go for it! Live now, psychoanalyse later.If u get the chance make out with a guy. If it grosses u out then u need never do it again! Don't avoid guys or u'll always doubt urself, but if it obviously doesn't work don't force it. Do u hav any bi or lez friends u can talk to? That helped me.. Good luck and hope I helped!Kxx
Posted by Anjali
i think gay people shuold be allowed to marry eachother and have it called marrage. I think its just discriminating when they dont allow it to be called marrage just because the two people are of the same sex. Marrage is supposed to be the union of two people who love eachother, it shuoldnt matter what your gender is.
Posted by Slvia Brown
Soo hot sext me girls3862157326 ok
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