The bar
I remember jenny telling me that it was a girl’s night out, no guys at all. I had laughed at this because jenny was a lesbian, and we all knew it. in fact most of my friends were lesbians. I wasn’t a lesbian, but I wasn’t straight either, I didn’t really know what I was. I froze up whenever a member of either sex tried to hit on me. everyone knew I was very shy, and it seemed that they were all intent on getting me a girl friend.
Jenny had told me about this really great bar she and a couple of her friends had found. They had agreed to take me there tonight. I dressed all in black and waited, hoping that my parents didn’t wake up. I saw jenny’s car stop at the corner of the street. I could see jenny get out and wave, I waved back and slid my window open, and jumped out. I landed silently and rolled to my feet running. I was there in a matter of seconds.
"damn kat how the hell do you do that?" she asked as I got into the packed car.
"kats always land on their feet" I said simply with a smile. She grinned a little dissapointed that she hadnt gotten an answer out of me. she got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the development. I talked with jenny and her friends alexi, kate, kira, and sophie as we drove there. they were all talking about how they were going to get me a girlfriend even if they had to tie one up and drag them over to me. even though it wasn’t official I supposed I was a lesbian since I had a long time crush on jenny. But being who I was no one even knew about it, and I doubted any of them suspected it. I smiled to myself at the thought of kissing jenny.
"look at her, I think she’s finally coming around, and cheering up to the idea of a girl friend." Said kira, I froze and felt myself going red, I told them that’s not what I had been smiling about. So they asked me what I had been smiling about, I only went redder and clamed up. they all broke out laughing.
"so whats your type kat?" asked kate
"yea kat what type do you like, I bet you like brunnetes, you seem like the brunete type to me" said alexi almost hopefully. Alexi was a brunnete and we all knew she was single. I went red and sunk lower into my seat wishing I could collapse in on my self. The girls laughed the whole time. Eventually jenny stopped the car and got out. we walked towards the shady looking bar, I looked around nervously half expecting to get mugged. I started to say that I didn’t like the look of this place, but the girls grabbed me and dragged me through the door. I looked around the dim room. I looked around and saw what made me very nervous there were couples everywhere. Only a few feet away two attractive women were kissing. I stared for a second and felt myself going red. Jenny dragged me over to the bar, told me to stay and hurried off into the crowd. They had brought me to a gay bar, and I realized I was getting quite a few looks from the women around me. I watched nervously as a shockingly beautiful woman walked up to me. she smiled at me and asked me if I wanted to dance.
She was easily twice as beautiful as jenny. I felt myself going red and knew I must look like a fool.
Suddenly jenny appeared out of nowhere holding two drinks. Thank the goddess, a escape route. The woman saw jenny, looked at me dissapointed and turned to leave. Jenny seeing this grabbed me and told me to go for it. she pushed me after the girl who had just turned around for one last glance. Next thing I knew I was in her arms and dancing in slow circles with her. It was all I could do to keep dancing. She was so beautiful, I found myself starring at her and she was staring back. when I realized this I went red again and started to appologize, but she reached up and placed a finger on my lips. I watched as she bent down, I knew exactly what was happening, and was unable to stop it. I felt her gentle kiss. her lips pressed against mine in a kiss like liquid fire. The kiss was so electric that it caused goosebumps on my arms and made me reel. The room seemed to be spinning and all I could do was hold on for dear life.
When she finally pulled back I collapsed against her gasping. I’d never felt anything like that and I felt faint. I heard clapping and looked around to see jenny, alexi, kate, kira, and sophie clapping, they waved at me and gave me thumbs up. I felt her cup my chin in her hands and she turned my face back to her’s tipping my head up for another kiss. even though I was prepared this time, I wasn’t prepared enough. As soon as her lips touched mine I felt light headed and I found myself kissing her back with a strength I didn’t know I had. We staggered over to the wall still kissing and I pushed her up against the wall kissing her, all hesitation gone. I kissed her with all I had and wrapped my arms tightly around her, breathing in the smell of her perfume, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her body rubbing up against mine. I couldn’t believe this was happening but I couldn’t stop myself, it was as though I was on auto-pilot. Suddenly she flipped me around and now I was the one being pressed against the wall. She kissed me passionately for a few minutes then pulled away and began kissing my neck.
I saw my friends gawking at me, it seemed ironic that I was the only one getting any action tonight. But the night was still young, on I had a long night ahead of me, a very long night. she brought my attention back to the matter at hand with a kiss. I returned the kiss eagerly and suddenly I felt her hand slide under my shirt and up to my breasts. I moaned lightly when she started massaging them. this only seemed to encourage her, she brought her leg up between mine and rubbed her knee into my crouch, I let out a small shuddering gasp at the sudden stimulation. A few minutes later she stopped and pulled away from me. she smiled, and grabbed my hand, she lead me out of the bar.
"I think your girlfriend is a little jealous" she said smiling as she led me out of the bar. I looked back and saw jenny watching me, with a look of sheer jealousy on her face. I remember her always saying that she’d be the first one to lose her virginity and to my knowledge she was still a virgin. She seemed annoyed that of all her friends I’d be the first to lose my virginity. I waved goodbye to her, I knew that I probably wouldn’t be back for a long time.
My view of jenny vanished as she pulled me out of the bar. I felt her grab me by the shoulders and kiss me roughly. I was caught off guard and was left gasping for air when she pulled back.
"now that I’ve got your attention, I think it would be best if we get to my car before we, well you know" she said with a smile, and gently ran her hand over my crotch, I moaned lightly at the feeling of her hand on my crotch. I reached out and kissed her desperately. I wanted her badly, worse than I’d ever felt before. She slipped out of my grasp and stepped back.
"if you want me you’re gonna have to catch me" she said laughingly as she blew a kiss at me, and darted off. I ran after her as she ran away from me into the parking lot. I looked around but I couldn’t see her. I was alone in the middle of the parking lot, then I heard her laughing, I whipped around and saw her darting into another row of cars. I ran over and by the time I had gotten there she was gone again. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and whipped around to see her diving behind a car. But again she was gone by the time I got there. I turned around starting to become annoyed with her little game and I saw the door on a van in the next door close. But the van didn’t start up and there was no one in sight. It must have been her. I crept over to the van I peeked inside, I could see her moving around in the van. I grinned, she was trapped, I could also tell she lived in the van since there was a bed in the back. I opened the door and she turned around, seeing me she scrabbled back with a look of mock horror on her face.
"please don’t hurt me, miss, I’ll be a good girl" she said in the most pathetic voice I’d ever heard. We stood there for a second and then we both broke out laughing. Next thing I knew she had grabbed me and pulled me into the van, she closed the door behind me and locked it.
"looks like the tables have turned my sweet" she said and we both collapsed laughing. After what seemed like hours of laughing and hugging each other we finally calmed down laying on the bed in the back of the van. Suddenly she rolled over and kissed, I put my arms around her and pulled her to me. I remembered why we were here in the first place, if we kept stalling like this jenny would lose her virginity before I did. I grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I found myself staring at her beautiful perfect breasts. She laughed and looked at me for a second.
"you’ve never done this before have you?" she asked slyly. I shook my head and she laughed. She bent down and kissed me. I felt her beginning to unbutton the shirt I was wearing. once she had it open she paused and stared at me.
"you are beautiful" she said and bent down kissing my neck, shoulders and the tops of my breasts. I heard myself moaning, and knew this was it. there was no turning back now. she reached down and began rubbing my pussy through my pants with one hand while she reached around with her other hand to unclip my bra. I could feel her slid her hand down my pants and rub my soaked pussy through my thin panties. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and we both froze.
"kat come on, we’re going and your parents will kill you if they find your gone." I heard jenny say from outside the van. She threw on a shirt and we crawled over to the door. she opened it to see jenny standing there, the car was not to far away and I could see a couple who looked like alexi and kira making out in the back seat.
"I’ll drive her home, don’t worry your girl is more than safe with me" she said
"you sure kat? I mean uh you look like your having fun but your parents will kill you for this." jenny stammered, I realized that she was staring at me, I raised an eyebrow and she looked away staring forcebly at nothing. I looked down and realized that my shirt was hanging open. I quickly closed it and buttoned it up, I could feel myself going red.
"I’ll be with you in a minute jenny" I said and turned to the other girl.
"I’m sorry if I do get caught I’ll never get out again. I’m not saying that I don’t wanna, but its really best that I go, sorry babe." I said
"yah no prob" she said sounding disappointed, I reached out and stroked her hair gently.
"baby, I just want three things from you while I’m gone, first your name, second your number, and third" I said and kissed her. I continued kissing her until jenny honked the horn.
"I’m amy" she said and wrote a number on a piece of paper, handed it to my, holding my hand a little longer than was necessary.
"I’m kat" I said doing the same. We kissed one last time, then I got out of the van reluctantly letting go og her hand. I waved goodbye and hurried over to the car. I hopped in and endured the small party that was occurring in the car over who just got a girlfriend. I felt myself turning red again. she’s back to her old self again thought jenny watching kat cringe under the interrigation she was getting from five lesbians at once. Jenny knew she’d been stupid to let that girl seduce kat and she wasn’t about to just let her crush be stolen by some girl they’d just met in some gay bar. but still jenny couldn’t get the image of kat out of her head.
Sitting in the back of that van, her hair messed up and falling over her face, her face smeared with lipstick, and her shirt hanging open, pale skin, firm muscles, and beautiful breasts. She couldn’t get it out of her head even after she was home and in bed. when she finally did fall asleep she dreamed about kat, kat being eaten out by other women, while she was forced to watch kat fall in love over and over again and there was no room for her. she decided on the solution, she’d just have to make room. but that’s for the next story...
Sean has past lowsy birth days but now meets monica and his luck changes... |
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