The Making of a Whore : Part 2

(Part 3 from 9)

Frank, who had been previously been given directions to the General's country retreat, set off.

Frank could not believe it, his bitch whore of a wife was betraying him. Again. And he was being forced to be party to this heinous act of. Of course, he could stop the car and confront Katie, but if he did that he would lose his job and no doubt his wife. And despite her betrayal, somehow he still wanted to keep her. He knew what this made him, but by driving his wife to her fate told its own story. As such, he looked back into his rear view mirror to see what the General was doing to his wife.

The General had calmly placed his old big hand on to one of Katie's young, delicate legs and was slowly moving them up to the tops of her stockings where there was a nice expanse of naked flesh. The General took a minute or two to savour their beauty. She was his. And he could now do as he pleased.

"So, you decided to come."

"Yes, Sir,"

"What made you change your mind? You seemed so reluctant on the phone. Worried about your husband?"


"Why? Open your legs." He ordered and Katie obeyed without hesitation or question, immediately uncrossing her legs and spreading them wide open for the General. The General's hand immediately went to her inner thigh and started to stroke her. His hand was now just inches away from her wet pussy.

"I love my husband, and I don't want to hurt him. This is wrong, b-but I couldn't help it..."

"Why couldn't you help it Katie? Why, if you love your husband so much, are you here, alone with a man old enough to be your father, dressed in a way that he could not possibly approve of?"

"Oh, General, please. P-please don't talk to me like this. I am here, isn't that what matters? Oh, General..." At that moment, his hand had moved over to the young wife's pussy and he had started to rub her clit through her thong. "Oh, General, Sir, oh that feels good..."

"Then answer the question, bitch, or I will stop. Why are you here with me?"

"B-because I want to feel your giant cock again, Sir. I want to be fucked again by men who know how to fuck me, Sir... Oh that feels good, I am so wet. I am so hot..."

"And you can't get that from your husband, can you Katie?" The General had now managed to insert two fingers into Katie's dripping wet pussy and the bitch was beginning to pant like a dog in heat. "No, no General I can't. I can't."

"And are you willing to betray the man you love for some big cock? Take your jacket off and open your shirt. I want to see your big married tits, you dirty whore." As ordered, she unbuttoned her jacket and removed it. She then unbuttoned a couple of buttons on her shirt and opened the folds to reveal two beautiful naked breasts. All the while, the General had kept his fingers up her throbbing cunt, fucking her gently.

"Yes, Sir, I am willing to betray my husband to fuck you and any other cock you order me to. Oh, Sir, I need it so bad, I am a whore who craves big cock. Oh! Oh! Oh..."

The General looked over at the panting whore. She looked so alluring, with her legs spread wide, her shirt open revealing her big tits, which shook deliciously as she panted in response to his delicious fucking. "Yes, you do need to be fucked. You do need to be treated like a whore. And there is no time like that the present for you to fulfil your destiny. So, I want you to kneel between my legs, take out my cock and suck it until I cum down your throat, you dirty bitch."

The General, to Katie's regret since she was close to cumming, then removed his fingers from of the bitch's cunt, leant back, spread his legs and waited for his bitch to follow his orders. As he did, upfront, thanks to the General leaving the intercom on (deliberately of course), Frank had been able to listen in to every word as his wife made her terrible confession. Strangely, he felt nothing other than being turned on. Seeing his wife submit to the General so easily and quickly and how she had dressed for him (she would never wear an outfit like that for Frank) made his dick hard in anticipation. He now knew that he was a nothing more than a sad cuckhold and, as such, eagerly awaited the next stage in his bitch whore of a wife's degradation.

Katie, meanwhile, effortlessly slid on to her knees and crawled over to kneel between the General's spread legs. The back of the limo was plush and big so there was plenty of room in which Katie could perform her whore like duties.

The outlines of the General's massive cock were already visible through his army trousers. Wasting no time, she unzipped him and removed his enormous 11 inch erect cock. It sprang out with force and slapped her across the face.

"First, I want you to lick and suck my balls, bitch." Katie immediately lowered her head and started to lick his enormous sack. As she did, she kept her hand on his big cock, gently rubbing it. At that point, the car had come to a stop at a red traffic light. The passengers did not have to worry if anyone outside could look in as all the windows were tinted black. Frank, however, took this opportunity to look back so as to get a better view of his wife performing fellatio on another man's balls. He could not see much because the General was facing him (he was grinning intently) but he got a good view of his wife's rear.

Kneeling between the General's legs and licking his balls meant that Katie had to thrust her delicious ass out. Of course, wearing a micro mini was useless in protecting her asss and all of her beautiful young bottom cheeks, framed by suspenders and set off with a white g-string, was on display to her husband. Her breasts hung heavily down out of her open blouse, and they swayed back and forth as she serviced the General's giant balls. It made a beautiful spectacle to the watching cuckhold which, but for the traffic light changing from red to green, he could have happily enjoyed for a good while longer. As he drove off, he continued to watch his wife's unfaithful activities via the rear view mirror.

"Now, lick my cock, you whore." Once more, Katie obeyed her Master. As she did, the General looked down and marvelled at how quickly he had been able to turn this young, religious, conservative wife into a cock sucking loving whore. He thought about how young she was, and how innocent she had been until she had met him. Indeed, at 21 years old, she was as old as his youngest daughter. Of course, the General thought to himself, his daughter was no a whore. [Of that he was sadly mistaken, as all will eventually be revealed in the forthcoming story, "The General's Daughter] Indeed, he had never been averse to fucking his daughter's friends, even when they were as young as 16.

As he pondered how he loved the flesh of young women, Katie was happily applying sweet, girly kisses all over the General's big, ugly cock. It was so big that, when she rubbed it, her hand could not clasp it fully. She also noted her big, shiny, diamond engagement ring which contrasted sharply with the cock that she was holding. It reminded her of her marriage and loving husband.

Oh poor Frank, she thought, she loved him so much, he was so sweet, so tender, but he could never treat her like a dirty whore. And she needed to be treated like a whore, like a bitch whose sole purpose in life was to make her body available for other, bad men. Thankfully he had no idea that his wife had become such a big cock loving whore...

"My dear, do you like Daddy's cock?" It was the first time that the General had ever referred to himself as "Daddy", but thinking about the age difference and his own daughter, he thought it appropriate. In turn, Katie instantly liked the idea since she recognised the gulf in age between the two and the fact that such an old man could take advantage of someone so young, well it made it all the more wicked.

Rubbing his cock and looking up at him, with those innocent, baby blue eyes, she replied, "Yes, Daddy, your little girl likes your big ugly cock. Do you want me to suck Daddy's cock? Do you want your little girl to suck Daddy's cock until you cum down her naughty mouth? Is that what you want, is that what you want your naughty girl to do?"

The General was now panting with delight at how quickly the bitch was prepared to follow his lead. "Yes, my dear, suck Daddy's cock. And if you are a little good girl and suck it properly, there will be more treats for you..."

And with that, Katie opened her mouth and immediately swallowed half of the General's great big cock. "Oh, yes, that's it bitch, suck Daddy's big cock. Suck it good. You know you want to. That's it, suck it all the way down, you dirty bitch." Katie immediately obeyed and lowered her mouth over the General's 11 inch monster so it completely entered her young mouth. The General then placed his hands on the back of her head to gently guide her up and down. Not that she needed much guidance, such a proficient cock sucking whore she had become. "Oh yes, look up at me, look up at Daddy when you suck his cock. That's it. Oh you poor thing, you are crying, I take it my big old ugly cock is causing his little girl to cry. Do you want to stop? Do you want to stop sucking your Daddy's big cock because it is making you cry?"

It was true, the enormity of the beast that poor Katie was being forced to serve caused tears to swell up in her sweet innocent eyes and to fall down her lovely cheeks. Of course none of this meant that she wanted to stop trying to please her Master. So, taking the cock out of her mouth and looking up at the General, she replied, "No, Daddy, I don't want to stop serving your big cock. Please Daddy, please allow me to suck you off until you can take your pleasure in your little girl's mouth. Then I promise to swallow all of your naughty spunk. Please Daddy. Please..." And, to emphasise the point, she planted numerous girly kisses all over the enormous plumb of his dick.

"Yes, dear, suck Daddy's cock until he cums. Oh yes, suck me hard, you dirty little fucking whore. That's it, take all of my cock, squeeze my balls... Yes! Yes! You are serving Daddy's cock well..."

For the next few minutes all Katie did was to suck on the massive member and to gently massage the General's big old balls. The General meanwhile just leant back in his seat and allowed poor Katie to do all the work. It was her duty, after all. And she performed it well. Very well, in fact, for it did not take too long for the old man to reach his climax.

"That's it bitch, suck my cock. Suck it all, you dirty whore. Daddy's going to cum in your mouth and you are going to swallow it all for me. Aren't you? Aren't you? Oh yes! Oh yes! Daddy's cumming. Daddy's cumming. Oh, Daddy's cumming, ahhhhhh..." And Katie, as ordered, swallowed every last drop of the General's copious spunk.

Just a few feet away from Katie, her husband was having difficulty concentrating on the road, such was the excitement being generated behind him. In his rear view mirror he could see the effort his young wife was putting in to sucking the General's cock. Of course, she had never, despite his numerous requests, sucked his cock.

She had been a cock sucking virgin until a week or so ago when she was forced to suck the General. Now she looked like she was becoming quite the expert. And as the General came down his wife's throat, Frank almost crashed into a car in front of him. He was shaking with excitement watching his wife perform as a whore and he was close to cumming himself. He hoped that, with the General having taken his pleasure in his wife, he would be given a little respite and be allowed to concentrate on the road.

Meanwhile Katie continued to milk her Master's cock for a good minute or so after he came, ensuring that every last drop of his precious fluid entered her young mouth. Once all the spunk had been drained from his mighty sack, the General put an end to things. "That's fine my dear. Please, come and sit here and rest for a while. You have performed admirably for someone so young, and so inexperienced in the arts of pleasing a man." He was now playing the role of a "kind old uncle" rather than the domineering evil Master, which Katie was more familiar with. Katie got up and sat down next to the General. "Make yourself comfortable and take a little rest, it must be hard work sucking on such a big cock. It always amazes me how you girls manage to do it, keeping such a big cock down your throat for so long. It really is good stuff.

"Now, we won't be getting to my country retreat for a little while yet so I suggest you make yourself comfortable. First, why don't you take your hat off, you must be quite hot in all that clothing..." The General was being a tad sarcastic since the bitch was hardly wearing anything at all. Nevertheless, Katie took off her hat and loosened the pin which held up her long blonde hair in a bob and let it fall down over her shoulders. "Good. Now, I think you should probably keep the rest of your clothing on... Yes, still keep your shirt open for me so I can see and have access to your big married tits. My, they are lovely, aren't they. What size are they?

"34-DD". Katie whispered.

"Yes, so big, especially for such someone so slender. I must say, you do have the body of a porn queen, and other attributes to match. Tell me, do you enjoy sucking my cock?"

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