One fine night I finally lost it to...

(Part 1 from 2)

I'm a 26 year old unmarried working woman from hyderabad, india.
I have a face that doesnt compliment my great body. 34D-27-38 &
about 5' 4'', wheatesh complexion. I never had boyfriends while
i was in college as my mother is very conservative & always kept
a close watch on me since my puberty. she told me stories of bad boys
how they trap girls and make them pregnant. so the thought of having a
bf was little scary.

An year back my parents decided to move to their native town.
I have a good job so I stayed back in hyderabad.
And for past one year my body has been craving.
Honestly I have always been aware of my great body.
my breasts havent succumed to the gravity yet.

Few months back Reshma & Nishant, a Nice couple moved in next door.
Reshma was a petite but she had a very pretty face.
They have a son and Reshma was due for the second one. One a sunday afternoon she told us that she was going to delhi to her mothers place for her
delivery. Nishant is a cool guy always taking things easy and never worrying.
He used to joke that we three girls are his "saalis" (sis-in-laws) & he wont miss his wife. We used to laugh it off.

Reshma didnt have to worry about us coz we used to work in 9-5 shift while
her hubby was working in the graveyard shift. But on weekends it was just me
who was at home, lonely while my other two friends used to go out
with their boyfriends.

On one such weekend Reshma called me to check if Nishant was at home.
It was raining that day & she told me that there was this underconstruction
flyover that had collapsed. She was panicking. She was unable to reach him
on the phone so she asked me to check if he was at home.

I made quick calls to my collegues and they were just fine. I turned
on the TV and flipped through the channels. Saw the chaos and trauma.

I was too lazy to dress up so I just pulled on a pair of my collegues
jeans & a Tee. I realised that I have really great curves.

I have always been wearing shalwar-kameez or sarees so my curves were well hidden.
I just went next door & rang the bell. Nishant didnt open the door.

Reshma called again to know if he was at home. I told her that i'll
check in about 30 minutes. A TV AD caught my attention,
it was about the contraceptive iPILL for women. (If everything goes well
i was gonna get married by the end of the year.)

Ten minutes later power went off. It was raining. I turned on the emergency lamp.
I made some tea. I was begining to fee the heat. 20 minutes later
i was sweating like mad. So I decided to check if Nishant was back.
i knocked the door. No answer. Just as I was walking away, I heard a faint voice.
I just replied back and he opened the door. Nishant came out. I could see that he
wasnt feeling good. He told me that he hasnt been feeling well. I told him that his wife
had called couple of times. His cell was out of charge and by the time he had woken up
there was no power.

He told me to msg his wife. I did. Instantly, Reshma called up and asked me if
i give him my phone as she wanted to talk.
They spoke probably till the charge drained out. 30 minutes later Nishant knocked
the door. I was changing back into my pjs. I was now in pjs and Tee.
Anyway it was dark so I opened the door. Nishant thanked me & he stood near the
door and was talking. He was feeling much better after talking to his wife.

He noticed what I was wearing. He joked about it. I laughed it off. I told him
to come in and sit in the hall. the power came like a quick lightening and went off again.
We spoke about the underconstruction bridge. Reasoned why it fell.

The emergency lamp was discharged. we couldnt see each other. Nishant wanted to leave.
I told him he can stay till the power comes back. But he wanted to leave.
i got up to walk to the door so I spread my hands forward .
I hit myself to his leg and fell I over the floor. I was in pain.

He panicked & was trying to get told my hands and in doing so he grabbed my waist
& it sent a thousand bolt electricity between my legs & I was wet.
He pulled me up on the sofa.

i was in pain. He wanted to massage my leg but I wasnt letting him do so.
He told me that the leg might swell. So he started to massage my ankle.

Suddenly the power had come. He stopped what he was doing & stared at me in
some kind of shock. My pjs knot was open revealing half of my wet panties
& my Tee had gone up my navel. my breasts were full.
I just got up & tried to pull my pjs up but the pain in my leg was so bad that
i left the pjs knot to hold my leg. My pjs just dropped till my knees.
Nishant said "my god you are so beautiful inside". He went away without saying another word.

I pulled up my pjs & tied up the knot. a man has seen me almost half nude.
i really didnt mind. I still dont know why. an hour later I heard a knock
over the door. it was Nishant. I knew he was feeling
shy to get inside so he started to talk from outside.

my friends had called him & left a message that they will be late as there
is hell of a traffic. I was still lying on the sofa. A minute later he asked me
if I was ok. The TV ran the same ipill contraceptive AD for women.
This time I asked him to come in. He opened the door.

He was carrying food for me. it was maggie. so nice of him. he also got me a
pain killer & move ointment. we were talking without looking at each other.
He left saying I can return the food bowl later. it was about 8.45pm.

I tried to walk. It was painful but I walked up to my bedroom and put my
phone on the charge. I lied down & flipped through femina mag. I stopped.
i realised I was damn wet. I wanted to change the panties but didnt want to
get up. So I pulled out my panties & wiped the wetness with it. I was in heaven.
by reflex my fingers went into my mouth. shit. I pulled back my pjs.
i pressed my breasts to the pillows. they were full. my tits were errect.
i stared breathing hard.

i received a msg on my phone. it was nishant. it said "how are you feeling"
i replied "what do you think?" he replied "hot" then a instant msg that read
"sorry it wasnt for you" I smiled and replied "np" a minute later he msgd again
"is the pain gone?" I replied "no" he replied "are your friends back?"
i replied "no". he replied "do you need anything else?" I replied "no"
he replied "ok. take care. gn" I replied " are you sleeping?" he replied "no"
i replied "oh" he replied "are you?" I replied "no" he replied "so?"
i replied "so?" he replied "can I say something" I took a minute before
i shot my reply "yeah" he must have been very nervous. the next sms was from
my roomie "r u ok? heard you hurt yourself" I replied "im fine" she replied again
saying that they were going to a pub & wont be back till late.

i replied them saying that the door is not locked.

Next Nishant replied " what?" I realised that I msged Nishant instead of my roomie.
i smiled & replied back to him saying that it wasnt for him. he replied "o I c"
i was getting wet again. he msgd again "wt r u doing? I replied "msging u"
he replied "o I c" again. I replied "wt r u doing?" he replied "msging u"

then we continued msging each other till I got a msg from my rommie that
they plan to stay back at their boyfriends apartment as it was too late
and unsafe to drive. I by mistake replied nishant saying "have fun".
he replied "with whom" , shit I realised that and msgd him again saying that
it wasnt for him. I replied my friends again.

i was very thirsty. my thighs were feeling my wet. I decided to change my pjs.
i hopped on one leg to reach my wardrobe and pulled a new pair of Pjs. then hopped
all the way till kitchen and hopped back to my bedroom with a bottle of water.

i saw another msg. it was Nishant. "r u ok? heard some noise"
i msgd that I was hopping to get water. he replied "ask m nythng u wnt"
i replied "my frnds r nt cmng hme" nishant replied "why?" I replied "dnt knw"
he replied "wt do u mean?" I replied "wid dier bfs" he replied "do u hav 1?"
i replied "no" he replied "y" I replied "dnt knw" he replied "i dnt bliv u"
i replied "y" he replied "u r beautiful" I replid "ha!" he replied "true"
i replied "thnx" he replied "welcome" I smiled. I knew he was talking abt my
body. another msg "cn I say somthng?" I took a minute "sure" he replied "u r
dusky beauty" I replied "!!!" he replied "chnge ur hairdo" I replied "y?"
he replied "u'll rock" I replied "k" he replied "r u sleepy?" I replied "no"
he replied "me2" then another msg from him said "cn I cal u?". I thought
over five minutes. Then replied "k". instantly my cell rang" I picked up.

he: hey hows your leg?

me: better

he: so when do you plan to change your hairdo?

me: I dont know

he: my wife goes to sachins

me: k, I go to bubbles

he: thats a bad place

me: its near

he: try sachins

me: sure sometime

he: when do you plan to sleep

me: when I get some sleep

he: hey tell me about list of your boy friends?

me: I told you I dont have any

he: c'mon stop kidding

me: promise

he: r u not straight?

me: shut up. i'll kill you?

he: how old are you?

me: why?

he: i'll find you a guy

me: sorry my parents are doing that

he: c'mon how can you marry some stranger

me: thats how it is

he: thats wrong

me: traditions

he: fuck it. sorry. but not in todays world

me: unfortunately my parents are not from todays

he: make one thing clear

me: what

he: are your parents getting married or you

me: hahahah

he: seriously

me: what

he: you should fall in love atleast one time

me: sure if you say so hahaha

he: can I ask you something?

me: sure

he: personal

me: umm... ok

he: r u a virgin?

me: shut up.

he: you never had a fling?

me: no

he: want to have one?

me: excuse me?

he: not with me.

me: you are such a bad guy, your wife is gone for
her delivery and you are flirting with me, let her
come and i'll tell her about you

he: pleaseeeee dont do thatttt

me: aha you are scared of her isnt it?

he: yaa sorta I think all men are scared of their wives

me: really?

he: ya. get married and even you can boss your husband

me: I wont do that.

he: so sweet.. I wish I was married to you

me: yea rite

he: really why not,

me: because you are already married

he: so what? I can marry again

me: shut up. dont talk nonsense

i realised that I was wet again and couldnt do anything about it.

he: arent there any guys in the office

me: yeah most of them are married and others have gfs and rest
are not my type.

he: so whats your type

me: sweet, caring someone who loves me

he: (interrupts) yeah someone very romantic & tall cut the crap
tell me whos your man

me: I think I like men who have good sense of humour like you

he: so you are telling me im your type

me: sorta

he: thankyou thankyou, tell me more

me: confident, straight forward & practical

he: cool

me: you?

he: im straight, I dont like men

me: hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah that was a nice one

he: hahaha yea

he: you know im trying to imagine how beautiful you are looking
while you laugh

me: (blushing) yea rite

he: you have such nice features. change your hairdo pleasee.
then all the guys are gonna make a bee line

me: then I dont wana take the risk

it was about 11:45 pm and we went on talking till suddenly
i heard some noise in the front hall. I panicked.

me: I think I heard something

he: where

me: shushhhh

i tried to hear. nothing.

he: is everything ok?


a minute later

me: can you hang on

he: sure

i tried hard to get out of the bed. peeked to look into the hall. nothing.
i was getting worried. I waited on my one leg for minute.

he: (wisphers) are you ok?

me: why are you wisphering?

he: because you said shhhhh

me: hahahaha

he: I wish I could see you laughing

me: sorry it will cost you

he: just tell me the price

me: ...ahhh...a million

he: do you take VISA?

me: hahahahahaha

he: shit missed it again

i was so happy atleast for that moment. I never spoke to men before.
but tonight it was so diffrent.

me: is it still raining

he: let me check

me: hey thats ok

he: yea its raining

me: whats the time

he: good morning 12:15am

me: oh! gosh!

he: so hows your leg

me: still standing on one

he: thats bad. where r u ?

me: hopping back to my bed

he: I wish I could pick up and put you into bed

me: thanks but no thanks

he: why ? because im married?

i turned off the bedroom light & got into the bed. pulled the sheets.
i touched myself down there over my pjs. I wasnt wet.

me: what?

he: what are you doing?

me: nothing

he: something coz you didnt hear what I was saying

me: yea just getting into the sheets

he: oh you are sleeping?

me: not really. just trying.haha

he: can I say something?

me: yeah

he: nothing

me: shut up and tell me

he: how will I talk if I shut up?

me: hahaahah.. tell

he: oh my god I missed it again

me: what

he: your laugh

he: tell me do you take VISA?

me: sure but the maching isnt working

he: you have to insert & swipe the card & it will work

suddenly I was wet again. I didnt reply for a sec

he: hello?? anybody home..

me: I think we should call it a night

he: you think so?

me: I think so

he: ok if you say so

me: good night

he: it was nice talking to you mam

me: same here sir

he: good night

i was damn wet. by mistake I cut the call. I put my
phone on the charger. I just pulled another pillow
close to myself. my body was cold and warm. I wanted
to be taken. my body has been dying to be touched.

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Hop to:

The boys took turns using Peggy's body for a sperm receptacle. Peggy climaxed so many times the bed was wet from her juices. She fell asleep and they were still fucking her. She woke up in the morning and found Karl sucking her breast. She kissed the boys and went to pee. They followed her and watched her. She went back to bed and got on her hands and knees with her ass stuck in the air. Karl and Earl took turns fucking her from behind. They filled Peggy with sperm until their balls ached...