My second Gangbang with my 12 Fire Fighters

(Part 1 from 1)

Once I returned home from my last Gangbang with my 12 Fire fighters I knew it would not be long before I would go back and visit them again. They gave me the best sex of my life and I wanted more. Lucky for me the Job I do requires me to travel to New York on business at least once a month.

I continued to chat to my Fire Fighters online while I was waiting to return, they would send me detailed emails of what they wanted to do to me. My pussy and arse was aching for their cocks to be inside once again.

The day finally arrived, I had a business trip to attend in New York for the Company I work for. I could not wait to leave for the Big Apple. As soon as I arrived I contacted the Fire Fighters and told them that I would be at their Fire House after I had attended a couple of work meetings.

I woke up early in my Hotel room ready for the day ahead. I dressed in my Business clothes which was a white blouse and a black just above the knee skirt, under my skirt I was wearing skin coloured Tights and because I was meeting the Fire Fighters straight after my meetings I decided not to wear any underwear. The guys loved me in Tights and no underwear.

Finally after what seemed like hours my days work was over. I came out of my last meeting and headed straight to the Taxi ranks outside the Offices. I jumped in the first Taxi I could find and told the driver to head to the Fire House about 10 blocks from where I was.

I finally arrived at the Fire House, my pussy was already soaking wet at the thought of meeting my Fire fighters again. I was greeted at the gate by a couple of the guys. They walked me through into the Fire House to meet the rest of them.

As we got inside their was no one else around. One of the guys that met me at the gate told me they had a surprise for me. My mind was already racing as to what this surprise was, but knew it was not long before I was going to find out.

They walk me up the Hall to one of the Dorms at the end of the corridor, they told me to open the door and as I do I notice the room is pitch black inside. I could not see a thing as I slowly walked into the completely dark room.

Without being able to see anything I was walked over to what seemed like the middle of the room, my pulse started to increase as slowly one by one I could feel hands touching my body, slowly more and more hands were groping me, I could sense being surrounded by what I now guessed was my Fire fighters. I was loving every minute of their wandering hands.

My blouse was by now already being unbuttoned and my bra was filled by two hands groping my tits, at the same time my skirt was being lifted above my waist and what seemed like at least 5 or 6 hands taking it in turns to rub my pussy through my Tights.

As me eyes slowly adjusted to the light I could make out the shapes of guys as they surrounded me, their lips taking it in turns to kiss my neck and shoulders and working their way down to my tits and nipples. I let out a load groan as one of the guys got on his knees in front of me and started to kiss my pussy through my Tights, at the same time another guy was kneeing behind me and licking my arse hole. Already I could feel myself cumming.

After a few more minutes of complete ecstasy and still with the room in complete darkness I could feel myself being lifted off the floor and carried over the the bed in the corner of the room. I was placed on all fours on the edge of the bed with my feet hanging over the side. My skirt was once again lifted up over my arse and a few of the guys spanked my butt cheeks with their hands.

The guys told me that it was time for my surprise. Suddenly the lights in the room was switched on, my eyes took time to adjust to the light but as I looked behind me there was my 12 Fire Fighters standing behind me completely naked and with their 12 massive erections pointing in my direction.

I had the biggest smile on my face as still on all fours on the bed one of the guys got between my legs and told me that wanted to give me what they have named a “Walk the line.”

I had no idea what they had planned but he told me that I would work it our pretty quickly. With that he put his hands on my arse and ripped my Tights open, the other guys cheered him on as my pussy and bum hole was free for the them to do as they please.

I noticed that the rest of the guys have formed a queue behind me, the guy between my legs walks to the back of the queue and shouts to the rest of the guys to start my “Walk the line.”

Still on all fours they tell me to spread my legs further apart and lean forward so my head is nearly touching the bed.

I grip the bed covers tight in my hands as the first guy walks up behind me and between my spread legs. Slowly I feel the head of his cock touching the lips of my pussy. His hands take hold of my hips as he pushing his cock deep inside me. I let out a almighty moan as further and further his cock fills me. As soon as he is fully inside me he pulls his cock out of me and joins the back of the line of guys and instantly he is replaced by the next guy.

I thought my head was going to explode as the next guy in line puts his cock inside me. Same again, as soon as his balls touch my pussy he pulls out and is again replaced by another guy.

These guys are blowing my mind as one by one they are taking it in turns to fuck me. One after the other they begin to find a rhythm, as one guys pulls out of me the next guy in ready to push his cock inside me.

Within a minute each of the guys have had their cock inside me and I am loving every second. The guys are cheering each other on as they take it in turns to fuck my pussy. Already my first Orgasm has come over me, my legs are like jelly but still these guys fuck me.

By now I am getting fucked harder and harder. My pussy is throbbing with each different cock that fucks me.

What happened next gave me the most mind blowing Orgasm I have ever experienced.

One of the guys at the back of the queue walks over to the table and picks up a tube of lube, he rejoined the queue and as he got to the front instead of putting his cock into my pussy he squirted to lube up my arse hole and slowly pushed his cock into my bum. I let out an almighty scream as his lubed up cock made a home inside my bum hole.

The rest of the guys started clapping and cheering as he climbed on the bed with his cock still in my arse and took hold of my shoulders with each of his hands and pushed them further down into the bed, this made my arse raise high in the air and expose my pussy even more.

I looked round and noticed that again the guys had formed a queue behind me.

“My god you are dirty fuckers!” I shouted at the guys.

As the first guy in the queue walked up behind me and put his cock inside my pussy. With the other guys cock still in my arse, I was being stretched to the limit. I could feel their cocks rubbing together inside me and as soon as the guy in my pussy had his cock fully inside me he pulled out to be replaced by another guy all the while the guy in my arse began the fuck me harder, in and out, in and out.

The queue of guys again found a rhythm. I could feel cum pouring out of my pussy as the guys fucked my brains out, one by one they were taking it all in turns to double fuck me.

I began to moan and groan louder and louder, the guys could sense that I was about to have one almighty orgasm. Before I knew what was happening the guy fucking my arse took hold of me around the waist and rolled my over so now I was laying on top of him with my legs high in the air. Two other guys also got on the bed either side of me and each took a hold of one of my ankles. They spread my legs apart as wide as they would go and instantly another one of the guys got inbetween my legs and put his cock in my pussy.

Both the guy in my arse and the guy in my pussy fucked me as if the world was about to end. The two guys holding my ankles had trouble holding on the them as I was fucked harder and harder. The rest of the guys cheered as my pussy and arse was being fucked to within an inch of their lives, I was loving every minute and by now I was screaming at the top of my voice.

I could feel that both men were about to cum, the two guys holding my legs apart let go of my ankles and I instantly wrapped my legs tight around the waist of the guy on to on me. The bed was rocking back and forth as they fucked my brains out.

After what seemed like another 5 minutes of rampant fucking both guys let out let out a load low pitched groan as both their cocks exploded inside me, this in turn made me loose control of my entire body, my Orgasm was so strong I nearly passed out. My body was shaking from head to toe. Both guys pulled their cocks out of my limp body, I laid on the bed, my legs shaking I was unable to function my body.

The rest of the guys stood around the edge of the bed and slowly caressed my tits and pussy, they also ripped off what was left of my now cum covered and laddered Tights from my legs while I recovered from one hell of a fucking.

About an hour past and finally my time had yet again come to an end with my Fire Fighters. I promised I would return soon, they told me they had plenty more planned for me. I smiled sweetly, knowing that is was completely hooked on what these guys do to me.

To be continued...

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The three of them then endured the entire night of fucking with Candice and Kirk being tied up to each other and Roshni having her fun with them. She took pleasure in inserting Kirk's huge, thick dick into her pussy and watching her cunt hole expand as she inserted from one finger to her fist into Candice's ass, leaving an expanded wet hole of pleasure to stare at her. She bent over and sucked it as Candice could just moan and explode on Kirk. They soon fell asleep for 2 hours...