Lonely in the City
This story takes place in 1963 and 1964 before condoms were a requirement if we wanted to stay healthy. It was also before the sexual revolution, so finding partners to participate in group sex was not always easy. Much of the time, the men that joined us were men that considered themselves straight. That usually meant that they wanted a blowjob and nothing more. Some would actually fuck, but it was rare to find a "straight" guy that was willing to kiss either me, or my partner, David.
In 1963, I got out of the service. David and I had been lovers since 1960, but we had not yet considered a long term relationship. When I was drafted, it seemed clear that we would lose touch with each other, knowing that I would be gone for two years. Right before I departed for basic training, our relationship was at its strongest. We were having sex with each other almost exclusively. David tells me now that he was in love with me before I left for the service, but I'm pretty sure what I felt was more lust than love.
David was a versatile guy when it came to sex, but after our first few encounters, it was established that I was a top and he a bottom. We had sucked each other off a couple of times, but the first time I fucked David, he says he fell in love. He had been fucked before, but it was the first time that I had fucked another man. I had had some experience with girls, but I was pretty green. It happened in my car, so it was definitely awkward, but David is a small framed guy and I'm not too big, so we managed to bring each other to ejaculation. David says it was the first time he ejaculated while he was being fucked. I have to take his word for it, but he left a helluva big cum stain on my car seat and I remember of putting my hand over his mouth to keep his loud moans and shouts from people in the other cars at the drive-in movie.
When I returned to Phoenix in 1963, I didn't even look David up. We had written to each other while I was in basic training, but when I came home for a ten day leave after basic, he was already spending most of his nights with an older Mexican man that he had met at a bus station. I invited him to eat dinner with me at my parents house one night while I was home, and later, he gave me a blowjob, but since I was leaving again, I didn't pursue him.
I came home from Germany in July and hung around New York City with a buddy that had been discharged a few months ahead of me. We had only played with each on two different occasions while in the service. There had been no sucking or kissing, just some fondling and jacking each other off quietly in a bed that we shared while on leave in Copenhagen, Denmark. We never talked about it, but it happened on our first night in Copenhagen and again on the last night. The rest of the nights, we were with local whores or girls that we met in the bars.
Three months after I had arrived back in Phoenix, I had become really frustrated with the lack of opportunities to meet gay men. There were no bars and bookstores back then, so most contacts were made in parks. I went to one of those parks late in October because I was horny and couldn't sleep. It was after midnight when I got out of bed and drove to the park. It was at that park that I resumed my relationship with David. I had strolled around the park, cruising and even stopped to play with the bulge in one guy's blue jeans, but there wasn't anyone that really excited me. I came upon a couple of guys at the far end of the park where I had gone to sit on a bench and smoke a cigarette, when I realized that someone was being fucked not far from where I sat.
The sound of skin on skin could not be mistaken for anything other than sex and it sounded like a woman's voice that was doing the grunting and moaning. There were other straight couples in the park, but this was the first couple that I saw that were actually engaged in sex. I was wearing shorts and a tee shirt, so I took my cock out of my pants and stroked it while I listened to the erotic sounds coming from under a tree. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see that the couple was in a doggy-style position, but I couldn't see either of them very well.
The noises they were making changes from soft moans to some loud grunting sounds and I was sure that the man had just experienced an ejaculation. I could see that almost as soon as he had cum, he stood and pulled up his pants which were around his ankles instead of being removed. I couldn't make out much about him except that he was tall and appeared to be slightly overweight.
The other person that I thought had been a woman, turned out to be David. He had laid there in the quiet for a few minutes once the other guy left, but when he stood up and put his tight, white terry-cloth shorts on, I realized it was a man. I didn't know until he walked away that it was David.
I was hesitant about approaching him. It had been two years since we had seen each other. He had just gotten laid and was probably headed for home. I didn't want him to know that I had witnessed his encounter minutes earlier, so I decided that approaching him would be just too awkward. It was nearly a month later, before I ran into him again at the same park, this time, wearing the same tight terry cloth shorts with a black tee shirt, sitting on a picnic table, smoking a cigarette.
He saw me before I saw him and stood up and smashed his cigarette out on the ground with his foot. He started toward me slowly and when I realized it was David, I was so excited that I don't remember much about the first minute or so. I do know that afterward, we walked to my car and sat and talked for quite a while, each of us telling the other about the last couple of years. I learned that he and the Mexican man that he had been seeing when I came home from basic training was a migrant worker and that he had only spent a couple of months with him and had never seen him again.
He was employed as a waiter in an Italian/Greek restaurant and had only two other gay friends. He knew of the best places to meet others for anonymous sex and was comfortable telling me about some of his visits to the various parks, bus station and his one and only visit to San Diego.
I talked mostly about my life since I had gotten home, my job as a driver for a dry cleaners and laundry delivery service. I had been dating a couple of women, both of whom I had met in a country music bar in nearby Glendale. I drove him to my parents house that had a vacant guest house in the back, and spent the entire night there. I fucked him for the first time in over two years. I remember every detail of that night but what I remember most was that after we had both cum, I fell asleep with him in my arms, my cock still soaking inside of him. When I woke up a couple of hours later, my cock had slipped from his ass, but he was still in my arms.
I remember of kissing the back of his neck and found that he was awake. He rolled over and faced me, and we were soon in a sixty-nine position, sucking each other. I don't think he slept at all that night, but I slept briefly two different times and when morning came, I had to go to work and drive him back to his car at the park. We agreed to meet again that night and thereafter, we were a couple in love with plans to spend the rest of our lives together.
We moved into my parents guest house without my having to explain anything about our relationship. I don't know if they were naive or just didn't care, but neither of us ever brought it up.
In the coming years, I learned that David was still going back to the park after he got off from work at the restaurant. I don't know why I suspected it, but I did and when I asked him about it, he admitted that he still liked crusing the parks and having anonymous sex with other men. I was angry and didn't speak to him for a week. All the while, he kept insisting that he loved only me and that the sex he had with men in the park was nothing but a form of recreation.
After a week, I began to believe some of what he said. I was pretty sure that he did love me. I also knew that I was a horny guy that wanted sex with him nearly every day. He had never once turned me down, even though I knew he had been getting it elsewhere. He was always ready to suck me off and when I wanted to fuck, he seemed happy to give up his ass to me. Almost always, he was able to cum ahead of me and when he didn't, I was glad to suck him to completion after I had spewed my man load into him.
There were a few months after that I was a little confused. I started demanding sex from him at various times throughout the day. I know now, that I was testing him, but then, I wasn't sure my self what was happening. I think perhaps that I thought if I fucked him often, he wouldn't have the need to go to look for other men. When I was finally able to talk to him about it without getting mad, he told me that he was always going to have a need for sex from other men.
It took a few weeks before I accepted the idea. He encouraged me to go to the park or hang out at the bus station and start picking up guys. "Andre,there have been alot of times that I've wanted to bring guys here instead of doing it in the car or on a blanket in the park," he told me. "If you could see how harmless it is, we could both bring other guys here and we'd have so much fun," he argued.
A week or so later, I picked up a young Mexican kid and brought him to the house. David hadn't worked that night and had fixed dinner for us. I had called to tell him that I was working late. I was too embarrassed to say that I was going to cruise the park, but it didn't take me long to connect with Ralphael, and I got the courage up to take him home with me.
David was surprised when I walked in with Ralphael, but he knew immediately what was about to happen. I still remember that instead of being upset and angry, he was smiling and happy and kissed both Ralphael and me before I took the young lad into our bedroom. I was nervous the entire time that I was in the bedroom alone with Ralphael. The little guest house had only three rooms, and I knew that David could hear every sound we made. I fucked the boy, sucked him to completion afterward and when we emerged from the bedroom, David's only words were, "God, I hope you two are hungry. It's probably not very good because it's been cooked too long, but we've got to eat."
The three of us ate dinner together and afterward, we drank some wine and later, the three of us went to bed together. Ralphael turned out to be a really good sport. David didn't get a chance to be a top very often, but Ralphael was more than happy to get fucked again. When David finished, I rolled Ralphael onto his side and entered him from behind and it was only a matter of minutes before I seeded him also.
Ralphael was one of the cutest, youngest guys that I had ever been with. I was thirty, he was eighteen, and when I took him to his the farmhouse in the country where he was staying as a migrant worker, it was hard for me to say good-bye. All the way home, I wondered how David could have sex with guys and not fall for them. I was suspicious that he wasn't honest about his feelings.
A few days later, I drove out to the farmhouse where I had dropped David off in hopes of finding him around. I didn't, and left there disappointed, but drove straight to one of the parks and quickly gave two men a blowjob. I drove home and within minutes after getting there, I took David into the bedroom and we made love. David says it was the most memorable lovemaking that the two of us ever had. He swears that he didn't know that I had been to the park, but I was suspicious that telling me how great it was, was just his way of encouraging me to have more sex with others.
After that, our relationship evolved quickly. David knew that I was still a little uncomfortable about him having sex with other men, so he it was a long time before he asked me if it was alright if he brought a guy he had met at work home to play with the two of us. I was bringing home guys at least once a month and sometimes more, but by the time he brought his first play date to the house, I had already had ten or more there. Ralphael had been the only one that we had enjoyed a three-way with. All of the others, I took into the room alone, fucked and sucked and then they left. David never once complained about it.
His co-worker, Ellis, was a hot looking Frenchman with a lot of experience as a waiter in upscale restaurants. They had been working together only three days when David brought him to the house. He had said that he wanted the three of us to play together, but after some very awkward introductions, he and Ellis went into the bedroom together. It had been a long session. As much as I had done it, I was still worried that David was going to fall in love with the guy and leave me. David always made a lot of noise while he was being fucked and I imagined that every time he shouted out or moaned and grunted that he was having the best sex of his entire life.
I went outside and sat on in a lawn chair, hoping to get them off my mind, but I still heard David. When he made his usual noisy that accompanied his ejaculation, I heard it. I heard Ellis' grunts a short time later and knew that they had both experienced an ejaculaiton. I stayed outside for another fifteen minutes and when I went back into the house, they both sat naked, David on the couch and Ellis on a straight back chair from the kitchen table. "I saved your recliner for you," Ellis said smiling when I came into the room.
"Thanks. You didn't have to do that," I responded.
"I already borrowed your man, so I thought it a would be a little bold of me to take your chair also," he chuckled.
His comments broke the ice for me and made me more comfortable. David said, "Ellis, you can sit in the easy chair, because Andre can sit here next to me if he gets out of those clothes."
I wasn't surprised to hear that from David, but it took a moment for it to register. I paused a little, but then thought it would be a little prudish of me if I didn't get naked also.
When I took my clothes off, Ellis made a long sigh and something like a "whhoooo" sound as he looked at my cock. My cock is bigger than average at nine inches. Most guys seem pleased when they see it, but knowing that Ellis had just fucked my David, excited me. When I sat down, David reached over and took my cock in his hand. "I'm so lucky to have this man in my life. His cock is great, but that's not the best thing about him. He knows how to use it and he's probably the nicest guy I have ever known," he stated.
I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, feeling proud but also embarrassed. My cock was getting harder and David's hand was still wrapped around it. "I want you to join us when you're ready," David said. "I want to show Ellis what you can do with this thing."
I was even more embarrassed, but I looked over at Ellis who sat on the straight back chair grinning. I had not seen his cock tucked between his thighs when I came inot the room, but now, it was exposed, an eight inches pices, semi erect and rising out of the thickest bush of dark brown pubic hair that I had ever seen. He had some body hair, but not much at all considering how thick the bush at his groin was.
"It looks like Ellis can hold his own in the cock department. That's a great
looking piece you have there, but I especially like that shrubbery you're
growing," I chuckled.
Ellis smiled sheepishly, but opened his thighs a little more, giving me a view of his low hanging balls that rested on the seat between his thighs.
"Oh, he knows what to do with it, believe me," David said.
"Can I suck yours?" Ellis asked standing.
I opened my legs a little and David removed his hand and sat up straight. Ellis came toward me without pause and dropped to his knees. He took my cock in his mouth and it began to swell immediately. He made a "hmm" sound to show his pleasure.
David whispered in my ear. "He wants you to fuck him. I want to watch," he giggled.
I leaned over and kissed David lightly on the mouth but said nothing.
Ellis was definitely an experienced cocksucker. He was a little older than David and me and had an average build. I rubbed his back and shoulders as he sucked me and run my fingers through his thick, dark brown hair.
David was squirming a little and his cock was also swelling once again, from it flaccid state. He leaned into me again and whispered, "I'm going to rim him. He'll need some tongue if he's going to take your cock," he said seriously.
I was so engrossed in lying back and enjoying the wet mouth that I really didn't have a response. I glanced at David as he fell onto his knees behind Ellis and pushed his face between the full buttocks, but I quickly leaned back again, closed my eyes and let Ellis work on my cock.
I don't know how much time had passed, but finally, Ellis spoke. "Do you think you could fuck me?" he asked, lifting his face from my crotch.
I rubbed my hand through his hair roughly. "I think that sounds pretty good right now," I answered.
All three of us stood at the same time and I embraced Ellis and kissed him deeply. "God, that's hot," David muttered.
I moved my mouth to kiss David also and then we went to the bedroom. Once on the bed, the three of us kissed for several minutes before David began servicing both mine and Ellis' cocks. While we kissed, our tongues continuted to probe each other's mouths. Ellis was whimpering a little from time to time and I could tell that he was ready. "I'm going to put some lube on my cock," I whispered.
"Okay, I'm ready," he answered simply.
I reached for a jar of Vaseline and greased my cock lightly. David continued to suck Ellis' cock while I put the lube on mine and then he reached his finger into the jar and pushed a finger into Ellis. I leaned over and kissed the Frenchman while David fingered his ass and listened to his breathing grow louder until finally, I pushed his legs into the air and moved into position. David stood now at the side of the bed and watched. I was so excited to be fucking such a hot looking guy that I didn't really appreciate the fact that David was there watching me do it.
I pushed my cock in slowly and just as I suspected, Ellis seemed to accept it without so much as a whimper. Once I had pushed my entire nine inches in and pressed my groin against him, he did whimper, but I was sure it was more from the pleasure than the pain. I leaned forward and kissed his and then rose to my knees again and began a series of thrusts into his willing manhole. David's cock was fully erect again and he stood at the side of the bed, stroking it. His own cock, nearly eight inches, was moist and stood straight up.
After a few minutes, I withdrew and ordered Ellis onto his hands and knees. I pushed back into him and he groaned loudly. I placed my hands on his waist and let them move up and down the side of his back from time to time, but mostly, I just held him at the waist, my thrusts slow and easy.
I heard him moan louder than he had before and I reached beneath him and took his cock in my hand. It was really hard and drooling a strand of cum from the tip. "Don't cum yet," I muttered.
"Okay! But don't touch it or I won't be able to stop it," he said firmly.
I removed my hand from his cock and placed them back on his waist and when it sounded like he was about to erupt, I pulled out and lay flat on my back and without instruction, he impaled himself on my cock with his back to me. I watched as David moved onto the bed and the two of them started kissing. I held Ellis up by placing a hand on each of his butt cheeks and moved my hips up and down, thrusting my cock into him. I could see that David had moved down to suck on Ellis' cock and then back to kissing his mouth again. David reached under Ellis and played with my scrotum as I moved up and down. I was suddenly aware that all of the excitement was mostly because of having David present, watching me fuck another man. I began to worry about cumming too soon and slowed my thrusts a little.
When I thought I could stand it no more, I withdrew and told Ellis to go to the corner of the bed and lean over it. He put one leg on the bed, pulled it close and left the other on the floor. I stood back and looked at his gaping hole. "That's fucking pretty!" I said to Keith.
"Can I kiss it?" he asked timidly.
"Sure," I said, stepping back as I watched him lean over and push his face into Ellis' buttocks. He made some slurping sounds and what he had said would be a kiss turned out to be nearly a full minute of tongue fucking the man. I tugged at him gently and he stepped away as I pushed myself back into Ellis.
"Oh god man, your gonna make me cum. I love this position," Ellis hollered. I realized that the friction of his cock rubbing back and forth on the sheets was likely going to make him cum.
"Do you want to cum" I asked.
"I don't want to but I think I'm going to," Ellis answered as I stopped my thrusts.
I decided that if he sat on my cock again, maybe he could hold off a while longer. I could have cum myself, but I wanted to delay it as long as I could. I ordered him to sit on my cock again, this time, facing me. He bouced up and down rapidly and I relized that I wasn't going to hold my own ejaculation for much longer. I looked at David and I could read in his eyes that he wanted to suck Ellis' cock while I fucked him. I smiled and nodded my head and he understood that he had my permisssion. He leaned foward and within secods of taking the cock in his mouth, Ellis yelled out to announce that he was cumming.
David had gotten there just in time. While Ellis impaled himself on my cock, his movements had ceased as he released his load into David's mouth. Listening to David make his funny little slurping sounds as he took the cum, was all it took to put me over the top. I waited until David lifted his face from Ellis's cock before I rolled the dark haired hunk onto his side and pumped my cream into him. I grunted loudly, louder than was normal for me, and I didn't want David to think I enjoyed Ellis more than him, so I stifled my grunts as my balls finished emptying into Ellis.
David was still rock-hard when I let my cock slip from Ellis and rolled him toward me so that I could kiss him. To my surprise, David wasted no time in sucking both of our cocks again. I knew he needed to release his own load so I said, "I'll bet you would like to cum."
He nodded his head up and down as he sucked my cock. "Do you want me to take it in my mouth?" I asked. I wasn't crazy about taking his cum so soon after I had just cum myself, but I knew I would do it for him. I was grateful when Ellis spoke up and said, "You get it all the time. I'd like it if it's okay." He sounded like a small child, timid and afraid.
I just kissed him quickly and said, "go for it."
David straddled the handsome Frenchman and pumped his cock back and forth as Ellis held his tongue out, ready to capture it. It was a hot scene for me to watch. After seeing him suck down Ellis' load, it was even hotter seeing him feed his cum to Ellis. As David's first splash of cum landed on Ellis' tongue, he shoved his cock in as Ellis closed his lips around it and shuddered as he emptied his nuts into the willing mouth.
Later, the three of lay kissing and tasting each other's cum until finally, Ellis got up, dressed and went home.
David and I slept well that night and when we woke up, we drank our coffee and talked about the event. I admitted that he had been right about his philosopy that the group sex was all that he had promised it to be. Still, later when I fucked him one final time before I had to leave for work, I thought it was the most intense lovemaking that I had had to date.
Here's a second session... I hope you enjoy... |
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