Gangbang bus

(Part 1 from 1)

"I've got to get out of this bra, it's killing me."

I stood to walk to the bathroom at the back of the luxury tour bus but the vehicle lurched as it took a corner, and I wobbled on my sparkling silver high heels. I would have toppled if not for the strong hands of Mark who jumped to his feet and grabbedme, one arm encircling right across my 34E breasts.

We stood like that for a moment until the bus straightened and the danger of falling passed. I smiled my thanks up at him.
"You don't need to go back there to get your bra off," Mark winked back. "We're happy to give you a hand right here."

Keeping his right arm around my buxom figure he used his free hand to find the zip at the back of my designer little black dress and slipped it down. Almost in one movement he eased the shoulders of my dress down my arms, revealing the enormous cups of my bra.
Mat jumped to Mark's aid as a few of the other agency salesmen started to realize what was happening. "I can get that unhooked for you, Maria," he offered, sliding the two halves of her bra strap apart.

My tits wobbled heavily as he released the straps.

The bus took another bend, and a few more of the guys, Greg , Zach and Steve jumped up and reached out to steady me, their hands “accidently” all ending on my chest.
There’s no doubt that if any chest was able to accommodate a number of hands, it was mine. Not only are my tits huge, being E cup, but they are also heavy, yet firm.
“We’d better get to the back seat,” declared Mark and began leading me, with about for or five pairs of hands on me, to the back of the bus.

I tottered along on my high heels and smiled as the guys quickly swept me up so I was just about floating and deposited gracefully on the large curved rear seat, stretching right across the width of the bus.
I was still topless, with my dress slipping down past my waist. “That looks like its getting in the way, let me get that for you,” said Lee who had joined us. He slid my dress down my long legs and dropped it in the next set of empty seats.
Dave and Jerry weren’t far behind, drawing in breath as they saw me draped over the bus seat in only my tiny g-string and sparkly high heels.

My big tits were wobbling and bouncing a little as the bus gathered speed, heading for the freeway. I was half draped over Mark with one leg hooked over his, and supported on the other side by Mat. The other guys were crowding in.
A few of the other male members of the sales team were still at the front of the bus, throwing some curious looks toward the group at the rear. Some were in conversation, but others – Damien, Tony, Nate and Cliff - made their way down the aisle.

“What’s going on?” they asked as they approached.
When they saw for themselves, they said “Wow,” almost simultaneously.

Mat and Mark were each cupping one of my tits, fondling the boob and rubbing my nipples, which almost instantly grew hard. I had swung my other leg apart, currently being held by Dave. All the guys were now reaching out to run their hands over whatever part of my body they could reach.

As the guys hands reached to all parts of my body, I threw her head back and moaned softly. The g-string was quickly sliding down my legs and discarded, revealing my shaved pussy.
As Mark and Mat each started sucking on my tits, I reached to their crotches and started rubbing them.

Mark quickly unzipped his pants and I hauled out his cock, stroking it strongly as he resumed sucking on her my left boob.
I could feel hands between my legs, peeling apart my pussy lips and then fingers probing my cunt and ass.
But that was only the start.
“We need to get some cock into this slut,” Mark said. “Lift her up.”

As I was lifted up and landed on Mark's lap, I reached between my legs and guided his cock into my ass. I threw her head back and moaned again. “Oh Mark, I’ve been wanting your cock inside me for ages.” I took his long erect member all the way in my ass as I settled down on him, legs spread wide so all the guys could see Mark's cock buried in my lovely little asshole.

My cunt was wide open too, and several guys struggled to get their pants off as quickly as possible. Dave won and shouldered his way forward, aiming his hard cock right into my wide open cock-hungry cunt.

As Dave and Mark both pumped cock into me, Mat stood from where he had been sucking on my tits, dropped his pants, and revealed his long hard cock. He turned my head towards him and I eagerly opened my pretty mouth and started sucking Mat's cock.
I waved my arms, indicating my hands were still free, so two of the guys who had been beaten to the punch by Dave quickly stepped up and closed my hands around their cocks. I responded by stroking them from tip to base and back again.

The admin girls came up to see what was going on and saw all the guys were gangbanging me.
“Oh, what a slut,” said Sarah.
“Is she going to let all of you fuck her?” asked Jamie.
“Yeah, she wants every one of us sales guys to fuck her at least once,” Jerry replied.

“Why, what’s so special about Maria?” she asked.
“Hell, look at those tits, that body, those legs, and she’s a whore and slut – why wouldn’t we bang the fuck out of her?” said Jerry.
“Where are the condoms?” asked Sarah suddenly.

The guys laughed. “No condoms, Maria fucks bareback. She wants us to cum inside her.”
I was shifted from cock to cock along the back seat, always with another guy ready to stuff his cock into my welcoming cunt and my mouth constantly questing for another cock to suck. All the while the other guys were getting me to stroke their dicks or playing with my big tits.
I was given cock after cock for the entire journey home.

As the bus turned into my street, I was happy. All 17 of the sales guys had fucked me and either cum in me or on me.

The bus arrived at my house and naked, in only my high heels, covered in cock cum, dripping off my hair, face and chin and down my tits, I stumbled off the bus. Someone threw my dress, bra and g-string out of a window.
I wobbled unsteadily over to pick them up as the front door of the house opened.

They guys were all leaning out of windows and cheering, jeering and shouting out as the bus slowly pulled away from the station.

“See ya, slut.”
“Thanks whore.”
“Thanks for the fuck, Maria.”
“Maria, you anal fuck slut.”
“Cock sucking slut.”
“Enjoy my cum inside your cunt, whore.”
“Anytime you want more cock, just call us.”

Clutching my discarded clothes, I smiled and waved at the parting gangbang bus.

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