First time at a party, I had anal sex

(Part 1 from 1)

When I turned 16 my one friend invited me to a party. We went to the party and there was a lot of drinking. I decided sense there was so much drinking going on I should go for it and just injoy myself.

It was about 3-4 hours into the party and I started to get a little light headed, so I headed upstairs to find a bed. When I got upstairs I ended up on some couch.

I was lying there when I heard someone come up. It was this hot young stud about 25-30 years old. I asked him if he wanted to come sit with me, and he agreed. We were sitting there for about ten or twenty minutes when he just started rubbing my leg. Then he started moving in to my cock. I looked at him with a supriced face, and then pulled my pants off. He only looked at my six inch cock for a second before he started to strook it.

I leaned over to him and started kissing his neck, then his cheek, then I started sliding my lips over his. I slid my tounge into his mouth and we started to french for a little.

I then started to slide his pants off to see his nice hard six inch dick. I reached over and started to suck it. He just leaned back and started to moan.

After a while I razed my mouth to his ear and told him to fuck me, in a really soft sexy voice. He just nodded. So, I then positioned myself with my arms on the back of the couch and my legs spread. He just leaned over me and slowly forced his dick in my virgen anus. His cock was so nice in my ass. It felt just amazing.

He finally got his dick all the way in me, then waited a minute to pull out a little. He pulled all but an inch out, then whispered in my ear,"Your a tight little fat ass, aren't you."

I replied, "Damn right you little bitch, F*CK ME!"

So he slammed his dick all the way in me again, forcing my body into the couch. He rammed me in and out over and over. Sliding his hot body over mine with each thrust in me. Whispering little comments to me with each push.

He told me he was going to cum soon. I told him I wanted all of his load deep in me. So, with about five more pushs he was done, he blow his whole load deep in my juicy butt. I just laid there moaning a little.

The next morning my friend came upstairs looking for me. When he found me he asked me if I had fun. I told him that he had no idea, how much fun I had. The man that screwed me was gone, and no one knew about my wonderful experience. I was at every party I could get to from then on, and at everyone I had at least one, if not more, grand adventures such as my first anal sex experience.

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The story of a girl who everyone thinks is sweet and innocent turns out to be full of surprises... I haven't posted in a while, feedback is always appreciated!