Cumming Summer Part 1

(Part 1 from 2)

I met Mary the summer before our Jr. year in high school. When I first saw her I couldn't help but stare. She was about 5'5 115 pounds long light brown hair with blonde highlights, and green eyes. She had tits that just begs to be grabbed, a 36 C. Her waist was 21 inches. And she had an ass to die for. When I first saw her she was wearing a light blue and pink bikini that really showed off her tight body. She was sitting on a lounge chair at the local pool, I walked over and sat down in the chair next to her trying not to look obvious. She looked up at me.

"Hi, I am Alexandra." I said.
She smiled "I'm Mary."
"Are you new in town? I have never seen you here before." I said
"Yeah, I just moved here a few weeks ago. It's kinda scary, I don't know anyone."
"Well, now you know me!" I laughed. "So how old are you?"
"I'm 16. she responded.
"Oh cool, I am 16 too."

We talked for a while longer, before getting into the pool to cool off. Watching the water glistening her body made me hot. I thought about what it might be like to press my lips to hers. Just thinking about kissing her was making me horny. My mind began to run wild with what I wish I could do to her. She really didn't seem like she'd be into fooling around, though I wasn't sure. I wasn't about to ask her if she was a lesbian either.

"So what are you doing tonight?" I asked.
"Oh nothing probably. I don't really know what there is to do around here." Mary said.
"Well, my friend is having a party tonight, would you want to go? There will be a bunch of people from school there." I said.
"Yeah, that sounds good. It will be nice to meet some people around here."
"OK, Great." I said "Well how about you stop by my house at around 8, and we can go from there."
"Alright. I will see you then." Mary said.

Before leaving the pool I gave her directions to my house. As I drove home I couldn't stop thinking about how I want to kiss her, and run my tongue all over her body. I keep think how sweet her pussy must taste. I felt my own pussy growing moist. 

I would love to feel her tongue on my pussy I thought to myself. Just thinking about that got me hot. I rubbed my pussy through my shorts. At this time I really needed to used my vibrator, but unfortunately I didn't have one in my car. I started to rub my pussy harder through my shorts. I let out a slight moan. At the first red light, I unbuttoned my shorts and shoved my hand into my bikini bottoms and rubbed clit. I let out a louder moan. I looked over and saw a group of guys looking at me. I pulled my hand from my pussy and showed them my juice covered fingers. Then I stuck my fingers into my mouth, and savored my taste.

The light turned green and I took off toward my house. With my free hand I continued to rub my clit. I could feel an orgasm building up. Finally I arrived home. I got out of my car and ran up to my room. I stripped off my shorts and then my bikini. I stared at my body in the mirror. I was always pretty proud of it. I was about 5'6 120 pounds. My tits are a 34 D, and I love them. I love having them sucked. my waist is about 22 inches. And my ass always get looks. I ran my hands down the front of my body. I stopped at my pussy, and examined it a bit. My pussy needs a touch up shave I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped in and let the water run down my body for a while. I lathered up shaving lotion on my hands and rubbed it on my pussy, and began to shave. Having my hands that close to my pussy and not doing anything was killing me. I rinsed the shave cream off of me and began to feel my pussy again. I ran my fingers down my slit, before inserting 3 fingers into my cunt. I rapidly moved my fingers in and out of my pussy. I let out a long loud moan. I took the shower massager, and turned it on high speed. I sat down on the shower floor and placed the beating water to my clit. An orgasm began to build up again. I grabbed my dildo sitting on the shelf, and instantly rammed it hard into my pussy. I rammed it in and out and in and out as the water beat down on my clit. My loud moan turned into and even louder scream. I moved the dildo harder and faster and then faster and harder into my pussy. I let out with a loud and long scream. Cum flowed from my pussy onto the shower floor. I dropped the dildo, and shower massager panting hard and loud. 

I got out of the shower feeling satisfied. I wrapped myself up in a towel. When I got back to my mirror, I dropped my towel to stare at myself in the mirror and admire my shave job. My pussy still looked swollen from my shower fuck. My mind drifted off again to what had happened just moments earlier in the shower. I wished so bad that it could have been Mary fucking me with the dildo. I imagined her naked body next to mine ramming the dildo hard into my awaiting pussy. I felt my pussy getting moist. I slide my fingers into my pussy. I found my clit, and began to rub it. My head tilted back, and I let out a light moan. 

I moved over to my bed and pulled out my vibrator from my night stand. I laid back, and spread my legs far apart. Instantly I slide the vibrator into my pussy, and turned the speed on high. Almost as soon as I began fucking myself, and orgasm grew. My moaning increased rapidly. I moved the vibrator in and out faster and faster. Right as my orgasm was getting at it's highest, there was a knock on my door, and in came Mary. She stood there frozen like a deer in headlights. I jumped up and tried to cover myself. It was too late though, she saw everything.

"Oh, I am so so so sorry!!!!" Mary said as she step back out of my room and closed the door.

I jumped up and put on my robe. I went to the door and told Mary I would be out soon. I quickly dressed to bring Mary back into my room. She looked hot. She was wearing a tight black dress, that is very revealing. It was tight and it showed off her body beautifully. It just made me even more horny, but there wasn't much I could do about it now. So we left and headed out to the party.

When we got the party I brought her around and introduced her to everyone. She got so many stares from all the boy and even the girls at the party. Seeing how everyone was staring at her just made me want her more. As the music played Mary began to dance. She rubbed her body so close to mine. My pussy was just leaking by now. I tried to pull away so I could play with myself in the bathroom, but Mary wouldn't let me go. She keep pulling herself closer and closer to my body. All I kept think was how when I get home, I am gonna fuck the hell out of my pussy. To help me out for now I began dancing back with Mary. I rubbed my pussy up against her body which helped a little.

Soon the party was over and we headed back to my house.

"Would you like to come in for a while?" I asked.
"Yeah sure that sounds great." Mary said.

After a little while of hanging out I was ready for bed, or play time rather when Mary asked if it would be OK to spend the night. I wasn't sure what I should say. If she stayed the night then I wouldn't be able to play, but if she did spend the night I would be sleeping next this hot girl. Since it was late I decided that it would be OK if she stayed. 

"I normally sleep naked, I hope that is OK." Mary said.
"Um, Um, well yeah sure that fine." I said. "I like to sleep naked too."

Mary slipped off her dress. Her body look amazing with nothing on. My pussy was just soaked by this time. I slide onto the right side of my bed. I took off my clothes and slipped into the other side. We laid there talking for a while, about nothing really. Then she asked:

"Have you ever been with a girl."
I hesitated at first. "Yeah, I have been with a few. Have you?"
"No" she said. "I never thought I wanted to either. But then tonight when I saw you with your vibrator something changed. It is all that I have thought about all night. You looked so sexy. My pussy was soaked all night."
"To tell you the truth, ever since I saw you today at the pool, I wanted to do stuff to you." I said.
"Oh really?? Like what??" Mary said excitedly.
"Well,...I thought about kissing your lips, and moving my lips down your body. I wanted to take you tits in my mouth and suck on them. Then I wanted to move my lips down you stomach, and kiss the inside of your thighs...spreading your legs further apart and--"
"You are making me so wet." Mary interrupted. "You want to feel?"
"I would love to!!" I exclaimed.

I sat up and pulled the blankets off of Mary, She spread her legs. I could she her juice glistening off of Mary's pussy lips. She spread her pussy apart giving me a great view of her wet cunt. I ran 2 fingers down her soaked pussy. She let out a light moan. I took my fingers from her pussy and put them in my mouth.

"Mmmmm. Taste Good." I said.
"Really, you think?" Mary said.
"Can I taste all of you?" I said as I looked into Mary's eyes.

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The woman had a very insistent tongue that knew every trick in the book, and in a matter of a few minutes, Jennifer's cunt convulsed in a series of brutally hard climaxes that left her shaking and drooling in a heap on the bed!!!...