A curious housewife

(Part 1 from 1)

*** This is not a true story. Just something made up by a bored housewife. Its my first story so go easy on me.

You know how curious I have been lately. You also knew how scared
I am to do anything about it. I guess thats why you took matters into your
own hands. I am everything a good mommy and housewife should be. Let me 
tell u alittle about myself. Im a 26 yearold curvy redhead. A real red head
by the way. IM a 34 c cup slim wasit and a big butt. Even after having
our son i still get compliments.

But lately I have been very curious about females. I just dont
know what it is about the sleek look of a woman that turns me on. But I do
know my fantasy turns you on. I get so hot when u eat my pussy and talk 
dirty telling me i wish it was a hot busty brunette doing it.That makes me 
cum so hard.

This morning though there was a look in your eyes. You told me to call
your mom and ask her to keep little Ben all night. I got so hot and excited
wondering what u had planned.

You told me to be shaved, showered and dressed in my little black
dress and stilettos by 8:00pm. I got so hot and wet today when I thought
about the possabilties that i would have to go the bedroom and touch myself
just to relieve the pressure. I just couldnt wait when u got home I jumped on you and stuck my 
tounge down your throat. 

"Mmmm Kirsty you are very excited arent you baby."

You smacked my ass and told me lets go. Thats when I noticed that you must
have changed at work. YOu looked hot enough to eat in your dark slacks and
button down shirt.

"So Jake where are we going tonight?"

I glanced over at him. He smiled. 

"Just this new night club down town dont worry." 

Jake grabbed my wrap and dropped it on my shoulders then kissed my forehead. 

"Lets get this show on the road alread." 

I laughed.

When we pulled up to the club Jake gave the valet the keys and came
around to my door to help me out.

"Babe your gonna love this place. Charlie
from work came here last week and says its the new hot spot." 

"Looks ok to me. Im ready to do some bumping and grinding lets go my sexy man."

Jake smiled. Kirsty had no idea what was in store for her.
I had met this brunette chick named natalie a couple of weeks ago and she was down with
helping me help my wife. This chick was exactly what my wife needed.
I called Nat up last night with the plan to hook up at the club tonight.

God I had been hard all day just thinking about watching my wife 
with her lips on this busty chick. Kirsty and I walked up to the bar and 
ordered a couple Jack and cokes. Kirsty decided to settle in one of the bar
stools so I joined her. God she was so fucking hot in her tight dress I 
couldnt believe how lucky I was to be married to her.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nat sit in the stool next to kirsty.

" Jake this place looks hot I cant wait to dance." 

Nat turned her head to us.

" Really I would love to dance with a sexy thing like you. What do u say?"

Kirsty stared open mouthed.

"Well...I dont know..." 

Kirsty looked at me and I could already see the lust in her eyes. 

"Go ahead hun I will just sit back and watch." 

I winked at her. Kirsty smiled. 

"ok then I think I will." 

Kirsty turned to the woman. 

"My names kirsty by the way and this is my husband Jake." 

"Names Nataile but a sexy thing like you can call me nat." 

Kirsty blushed then smiled. 

"Be right back Jake." 

Kirsty turned to go.

"Take your time babe and have fun."

As if the dj could read my mind he turned on a slow bump and grind.
Nat sensed Kirsty was nervous and leaned in to whisper. 

"Dont worry nothing is gonna happen that you dont want just go with it. Your husband seems to like
watching us lets give him a show."

Kirsty shook her head yes.

Kirsty leaned her head back and grinded closer to her. Nat started
running her hands down kirstys arms, down her back and cupped her ass. 


Kirsty moaned and moved in closer. 

"You like that dont you." 

Kirsty hand moved in even closer so nat to advantaged and ground her pussy into
kirstys thigh. Kirtsy gasped. 

"Ohhhh you sexy thing you do like it." Nat moaned.

Kirsty slowly at first ran her hands down nats back. 

"Ahhhh kirsty babe squeeze my ass hard please." 

Kirsty quickly carried out the request. Nat moaned louder.

"What do u say lets all three go back to my place and finish this." 

Kirsty looked up with lust filled eyes.

"I dont know... Jake he might.." 

Kirtsy shook her head. 

"Hun your husband is sitting over there with an erection you can see a mile away. Hes not
gonna object." 

Kirsty shook her head. 


When Jake caught on what was going on he ushered them out to the car.
The women took the back seat to get to know one another better. They started kissing and 
rubbing each other as Jake slid in the front seat. 

"AAAhhhh you girls are killingme up here." 

Jake hissed. They giggled.

In no time jake pulled up to Nat condo and had to almost drag the girls out 
of the car. 
"Lets go I wanna play too." He urged. 

"Im so glad you decided to come Kirsty now the fun really begins...."


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"Shush up," Morgan whispered, "she's saying something else!?!" Both girls quieted right down just in time to hear Morgan's mother say, "If you stop spanking me I can be a very good little girl!!!"...