Brotherly Love

(Part 1 from 1)

Note : This story is completely fictional!

I have always had an attraction towards my sister. The little things about her like the way she walked or the way she would smile just turned me on. On a physical level, it was her ass that sent my hormones raging. 

I have always been attracted towards women with plump asses and my sister took the cake (not to mention she accomplished such a feat without being fat herself!). 

As for my sister, in all reality, I did not think she was in anyway attracted towards me, rather, I believe she thought sexual relations between family (incest) were simply wrong in general. Regardless, it did not stop me from fantasizing about her. 

Anyways, a couple of days ago we had rented a movie. However, all other members of the family were subject to going to a recital for my younger sister. Near the quarter point through the movie everyone had left; spare myself and my sister. 

All five of us had previously been squished onto our one 3-seating sofa, myself next to my sister. When everyone had left and it was just the two of us, my sister had spaced herself, but not too far. 

Halfway through the movie, I had noticed a pungent aroma originating from my sister. An aroma I was quite familiar with, she was horny. I took notice of the fact that Brad Pitt was amongst the casting in the movie we were watching and I silently thanked him for what he was doing. 

Now I knew my sister felt nothing towards me, but also knowing that she was horny, I decided to make a bit of a move, nothing much, just to inch my way a little closer to her. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. I took a few sips and put the rest in the sink. When I sat back down, our thighs were pressing together ever so slightly. 

I continued to watch the movie and my sister took no notice of it. As the movie played on, my sister grew tired and rested her head against my shoulder. Still noticing that her pussy was emitting those erotic smells, I fantasized about how she was doing it on purpose. 

I put my arm around her in a brotherly love sort of fashion and after a minute or two, began to massage her back. 

“O, that feels great, do my shoulders please,” she commented. I silently cursed that she hadn’t request I go lower, but I obediently started to massage them.

As time passed by, I gradually worked my way lower and lower until I was doing her lower back. My fingers would occasionally “slip” and brush her wonderful ass. 

“Mmmm, that feels sooo good,” my sister began, “ would you mind if I laid down while you do this?” 
Still thinking logically, I allowed her to lie down on my lap just as I tucked my increasingly hard erection between my legs and thanked myself for deciding to wear jeans on that particular day.

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